Does Music Influence You?

by mindfield 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • mindfield

    Aaah, yes... I still remember that stupid Awake! which encouraged everyone never, never to attend a rock show. (they actually throw blood at the crowd, ya know...[8>]) I read it, and personnally I thought it was all hogwash. Unless I didn't think enough about it...

    So here are the basic thoughts about the subject:

    1. Music has no effect at all. - You can listen to it all you want, it'll never change you.

    2. Music has a limited short-term effect. - While you're listening to it, it can put a smile on your face, or a frown, but that's basically it.

    3. Music has a vast long-term effect. - If you particularly like a Marilyn Manson song for example, its negative effects will be seen in whatever you're doing.

    Personnally, I'm in the second group. Music can put a little beat into your step, a little encouragement for when you're doing work, but otherwise, I think there's nothing else.

    Take my MP3 music collection for instance. If music did really have a long-term effect, then a particular kind of music one likes would be seen, right? Wrong. I can easily listen to the theme of the Green Mile (classical piece, very beautiful) then listen to a Godsmack song (very powerful feelings, nice vocals). Afterwards, listen to a Enya song (Only Time is beautiful) and then listen to a metal Ozzy Osbourne song.

    If there was really a long-term effect, then I'd be wacko. A sentimental, frustrated, wacko. (... that made me think...)

    Your thoughts on the subject?

  • Fredhall


    You are lacking in wisdom.

  • mindfield

    Thanks fred. Truly appreciate your own wisdom filled thoughts. I sure could learn a lot from you.

  • sleepy

    I'm of the belief that almost anything can effect us.
    Its more of a matter of degree and will depend on the individual personality and circumstances.

  • mindfield

    you mentioned individual personality. That's one of the things that plays a huge role in the influence of music. Some people who killed someone blamed it on some song they were listening to. Someone else could listen to the same song and have nothing wrong. Music basically reflects what you want it to reflect. You can blame it, but you should blame yourself for blaming something else.

    for example, the "KH songs" are soooo, sooo boring. But a faithful JW with no taste whatwoever could say they're the best.

  • expatbrit


    I would tend to agree with you, based on the proviso that the person listening to the music is generally balanced mentally. Playing Marilyn Manson in the psychiatric wards is not a good idea, in my unqualified opinion.

    Also, studies have shown that playing classical music to the unborn or very young children stimulates their learning ability as they grow. So music can have long term effects.

    Personally, I primarily listen to classical, and I find it wonderful for calming me down when I'm stressed, or motivating me when I need a kick up the rear. But these are all short term effects.

    Oh, after seeing Tony Blair, I also have to listen to a few renditions of "Land of Hope and Glory" and "Rule Britannia" to reassure me of the superiority of the British nation. Useful stuff music.


  • Fredhall


    You don't need to learn a lot from me. Start looking to Jehovah for wisdom.

  • mindfield

    Well, we can all certainly see that Jehovah helped you a lot with that, Fred. Your one-liners are a sure proof of that fact.

    No music in the world can possibly restore my Canadian pride. My PM completely destroyed it.

  • Fredhall


    If you can't listen to my one liners, then how in the world that you going to listen to a paragraph?

  • mindfield

    Who said I wasn't listening to your one-liners? I'm reading them and analyzing them. Write a paragraph, and I'll see what I can do.

    Besides, this is completely off-topic. Why don't you start a thread called "Fred Hall and One-Liners".

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