An elder said at the meeting Sunday that "apostate literature
is poison and that if you read it you run the risk of falling out
of the Truth as many of our dear brothers have."
I almost laughed out loud. You mean to tell me that the brothers in
African countries who could endure their wifes and daughters being raped
because of taking a stand for the truth and that during world war II
thousands of Witnesses endured the Hitler's concentration camps, and
that parents will allow their children who need blood to die because of
the Truth, and that little children will endure years of ridicule in school
for not celebrating holidays and not pledging alligiance to the flag, but
then you read some "apostate" literature and POW!!!! you fall out
of the Truth and give it all up?
There is a reason the Witchtower Babel and Trick Society has demonized
"apostate" literature-- it is the Truth.
The WTBTS dosen't want the Witnesses to think about the almost 100 year
of date of 1914 when Jesus began rule in heaven over the earth, or the
failed prophecy of 1914. 1925, 1975, they don't want to Witnesses to know
about how the WTBTS was a part of the UN and as part of the agreement
they have to submit articles in the mags of how good the UN is, they don't
want the Witnesses to think about they can take every single fraction of what
makes up blood but put all of the fractions in the same plastic container and
now they can't take it, they don't want the brothers to know that there are
elders who were and are pedophiles just like in the Catholic church, they
dont't want the doctrine of the 144,000 analyzed. Yes there are good reasons
why the WTBTS are affraid of "apostate" literature and web sites.
TooBad TooSad