There is a reason for it. The Washtowel beliefs are on such flimsy grounds that it would take only a feather duster to knock it all down. Apostate material attacks these weaknesses (and there are plenty to attack), and thus they do all they can to ban it (including disfellowshipping anyone caught with it).
It is also why they do not want witlesses starting their own forums, even pro-JW ones. Too many pro-JW forums end up going apostate when the administration has to deal with people sneaking questionable material onto those forums--they have to read it. And, if it makes them question the whole washtowel doctrine, they are themselves likely to go apostate. If the administration of a forum that was once pro-JW goes apostate, it is likely that the whole forum is going apostate, too.
I wonder how many once-apostate JW forums have successfully gone pro-JW.