My JW daughter made this comment

by cawshun 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • cawshun

    My daughter was here last night, she asked if I knew about John Travoltas son dying. I said yes, her reply was... Scientology wouldn't let him take medicine and thats what killed him. I said, well actually, the news said he was taking meds but they no longer were working for him. She said... no, Scientology won't let their members take medicine and thats why his son died.

    My response was, well, some people would say the same thing about a Jehovah Whitness and not allowing one to have blood. She said, well, we have alternatives. I said... not in every situation.

    End of conversation... I just hope I gave her a little something to THINK about. scientology looks weird to her and her WT look's weird to people in the same manner.

    Funny, they can see the cult operation in other religions but not their own

  • Amha·’aret

    That's the beauty/irony of mind control.

    Hopefully what you said will get her thinking, esp coz you said it in a nice gentle way.

  • sacolton

    And so the individual thinking process begins ...

  • cawshun

    Back in September her best friend (not jw) lost her son in an accident. My daughter said she thought her friend was so distraught because she didn't have a religious faith. She felt like she could have handled his death better if she had the faith in paradise earth. All I said at that point was... and you know what, this might be the only life we have so you better make the most of it!

    There can't be a JW on this earth that truely feels they fit all the requirements ( inside sins) for paradise earth, too many restrictions on them. They all have to have doubts they'll make it through the big A. So I tried to make her THINK that, if you don't make it, you better start living this life.

    "If Thats All Their Is My Friend, Then Let's Keep Dancing" I love that song

  • Roddy

    That was excellent reasoning. As the other poster said: Now the thinking process begins.

    Interesting about Scientology. I didn't read the media saying that the Travolta's refused medical treatment for the son's disease. But I tend to distrust most USA media these days. Just look at the inconsistancy. They get all into Sarah Palin's personal life but regarding the Travolta's they don't mention what effects their religion played in their son's treatments.

    Go figure!

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007

    Funny atitude...your daughter thinks she has the "truth" and everyone else is wrong...brainwashed like I was.

  • cawshun

    True 007, she probably just see's me as being blind to the truth and feels sad for me....UGH!

  • Quirky1

    It's sad that they cannot see the flaws in their own religion and are able to in others. It's like the pot calling the kettle black.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It might be helpful to give your daughter a critical look at OTHER cults, like the Moonies (see the movie TICKET TO HEAVEN), the Mormons, and the followers of Herbert W. Armstrong. her subconscious will collate and cross-collate this data, and sooner or later a little cognitive dissonance will arise and she'll begin to think, "these JWs are a lot like those cults... could it be...??"

    There is a video sold by Living Hope Ministries that discusses the changes in Armstong's church after his death. Armstongism was very similar to JWism in many ways, and very dissimilar in others. You can watch the video for free here:

    There is a fascinating video on YouTube about the Mormon "Lost Book Of Abraham." see

    Whether a cult is based on flying saucers, Krishna, songs of The Beatles, Sufi teachings, or the Bible, it will share fundemental characteristics with other cults. Studying one cult can help you recognize another.

  • steve2

    Actually, Scientologists and JWs share a lot in common. Have you ever read what Scientologists say about "defectors"? They also have a rather lop-sided, even paranoid view of medication for mental health issues and label drug companies as evil. All in all, I think you responded well to your daughter.

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