First lets stop all of this garbo about there not being any Evolutionists etc etc and whether its a abiogenesis or Evolution!!!! Your merely playing with words.
They're completely different theories that don't have much to do with each other at all. It's not playing with words. It's the difference between Algebra and Trigonomotry. They're completely different studies. You don't understand the difference between them that's the reason you think I'm "playing with words". Abiogenesis is the theory of how organic material was formed from inorganic material. Evolution is the theory of how smaller life forms evolved into larger ones. Where does your question come in to either of those theories?
To suggest that evolution is merely about living things is bull.
Actually it's the very definition of Evolution. Evolution is how living things EVOLVED. Smaller life forms into larger ones. Abiogenesis is how life evolved from non-life. It's Biology, study of living things. This is not hard to find, just go to and type in "evolution" you'll see the definition of it as:
" Biology . change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation by such processes as mutation, natural selection, and genetic drift."
Hmmm... wow it would be really hard to change the gene pool of a population from generation to generation if the thing isn't alive and reproducing...wouldn't you say?
It boils down to one question - How did the universe get here? (Not, how did living things get here!)
That is a question of first cause, it has nothing to do with evolution. Evolution is the theory of how larger animals evolved from smaller life forms. It only deals with life when it's here. I can't express more how much you're confusing the issue here.
The Atom is not living.
It is not, it is the smallest piece of matter.
Galaxies are not living
The same could be said of Earth, it's not a living thing. However it has life on it.
And yet both are governed by physical laws and clearly show design. (Merely my opinion by the way)
Oh this is some sort of intelligent design argument. Scientific laws that you point to are from observed occurances. So of course they follow laws, if you walked around in a circle at 3 o'clock every day then I made a law stating that you MUST walk around in a circle at 3 o'clock every day, are you following a law? You're simply doing what you do, why you do it, who knows. That's a question of first cause. Also whether there's a designer or not is not a question of evolution, evolution is a question of how larger animals evolved from smaller animals. I don't know how I can make it much clearer to you. You're not arguing against evolution in the slightest, you're just saying things appear to have design. Many people simply say that's how particles group together based on positive and negative energy. Whether you want to say God put together that positive and negative energy with the materials is up to you, but don't say evolution didn't occur because it doesn't mention a creator in it's theory. This kind of stuff infuriates me because I hate people who just show complete ignorance of a subject at hand, if you want to argue against something read about it. Understand what it is before you go out and start making wild assumptions and accusations that have nothing to do with what you're arguing about. Seriously educate yourself on the subject, I don't see how you're not embarrassed.
Also you qoute others and post links to "pro" evolution videos etc - hey we can all refer to information to back up our claims.
The link I posted to the youtube channel was so you could educate yourself on what evolution is and what it isn't. It does have proof of evolution occuring on there, but it also gives an elementary basis of evolution. You're confusing alot of different things here. Life coming from non-life is Abiogenesis. To which you should be disproving the Miller-Urey expiriment to do so. First Cause is irrelevent to the whole conversation, you can believe anything caused the big bang or the conditions for life to emerge from the organic materials, whether it's God or the materials always existed. That has nothing to do with evolution, the theory that larger animals evolved from lower life forms.
I merely feel that a Creator caused it all to happen. God caused the big bang if you like.
No one has a problem with that. Most scientists are Christian, they feel a God had the foresight to use evolution to create life. The channel I pointed you to, is a theist as well. He just has videos to show evolution occured and it's undeniable.
Anyway their is not much point going on with this - I am set in my ways and so are you.
Yes, we are set. I took the time to read what evolution was and learned about it, I don't confuse the issue. You seem set to lump together theories that have nothing to do with each other and argue against the wrong principle. If you feel comfortable continually arguing against something you clearly don't know anything about go ahead.