Thanks for your long and somewhat over-reactive comments.
Lets get this whole thread in some context - Richard Dawkins book - The God Delusion....
Does he believe in evolution? YES
Does he believe in God? NO
My entire reason for commenting on this thread was to make the point that His conclusions are merely an opinion - his version of facts. His comments / books are given more credence than they deserve.
Do I disagree with all of evolutions conclusions? NO
Do I believe in a creator? YES
Tuesday - you are totally entitled to your opinions, but to resort to "name-calling" and "character attack" is a poor perfromance on your part and undermines the whole point of this discussion forum.
You have attempted to make me look "uneducated, stupid and argumentative.
You said - "" If you feel comfortable continually arguing against something you clearly don't know anything about go ahead. ""
I think you will find that it was in fact you that turned this into a pointless argument.
You said - "" You're confusing alot of different things here.""
WTF!!!!!!!!!!!! All I said was that I thought Dawkins was wrong in his "No God" conclusion - remember the context - The God Delusion book!!!!
You "mockingly" suggest looking up the word Evolution in a dictionary. I think you know what you can do with this suggestion.
The Scotsman - not a happy JWN member...
What happened to freedom of expression???????????????