Very good idea, Thomas. Simple and I would think effective. It shows an intent not to hurt them yet piques their curiosity to perhaps do some research on their own.
An old dub 'friend' writes to ask 'What Happened?'
by willyloman 27 Replies latest jw experiences
I wouldn't tell anyone unless I knew they too were on the way out---for sure. You've been doing just fine so far. Why screw it up now?
Worth another mention...
Thomas Covenant quoting his friend Veen's response: My friend Veen, a fellow poster here, has been asked this by his former Witness 'friends'.
His answer is, I think, the best I've heard:''I don't think you want to know'
If they ask why........''Because if I tell you, you'll want to leave too'' -
I just finished reading Mary's excellent review of the Sunday WT study. Now I'm wondering if the email I got from my "old friend" wasn't a result of his reading that article and feeling compelled to make contact.
In any event, I appreciate all of the feedback. I'm going to give it a little more thought and then compose an appropriate response. I'll let you know how it comes out.
Wordly Andre
tell him that the smurfs got you
After a few days, I sent him a short response. I told him we were all fine, healthy and very happy, and that it was nice of him to ask about us. I wished his family well. I closed with this:
"You asked, 'What Happened?' That's just not something we ever discuss."
Several days later, he emailed me back. I got a good laugh out of his reply. There was no personal message, other than: "Check this out, this is amazing!" Following that, there was a link. When I clicked on it, it turned out to be a chart purporting to show the number of earthquakes reported over several centuries. There was a sharp uptick in the chart, of course, in the 20th century.
I guess this is some attempt to witness to me. I thought it was pathetic.
I considered sending him a reply telling him he was not keeping up with "current truth" as the WT dumped this teaching in the March 22, 2002 Awake!, which cited modern equipment as leading to better reporting and argued that the number of earthquakes in the "last days" wasn't really the important point anyway, nor was it necessarily what the Bible had in mind when making this prophecy.
But in the end, I just deleted his email. There is no sense in arguing with someone who is delusional.
I guess this is some attempt to witness to me. I thought it was pathetic.
Perhaps he's trying to coax you into questioning what he believes to be offical WT doctrine, in the process finding out whether you've turned "apostate."
It was a set up.....All that effort to inform you about earthquakes?..Right,that makes sense...........Had you given him any real information,he would have turned you in..