Where ya going Ippy?
I will live vicariously through you~ lol
by IP_SEC 56 Replies latest jw friends
Where ya going Ippy?
I will live vicariously through you~ lol
instead of providing real content (which I propose doesnt exist anyway)
Dude, you mentioned a point that in no way advances your premise that the two parties are just alike. You appear to me to be stuck in "the truth is in the middle" mode. As in, you believe half of the popular meme: Republicans are fiscal conservatives (you see that they are not, they are in fact wild spenders), and Democrats are wild spenders (you buy into that meme totally) But democrats are not wild spenders. And here's the important point: even if you disagree with me and say that democrats are, in your opinion "wild spenders", their spending is on totally different priorities than republicans. So the premise that the two parties are "just alike" just doesn't hold true based on your example.
The truth is wherever the fcuk the truth is, and that ain't ever in the middle.
But yeah, if you want me to do the google and show some of the huge differences between the two parties, I'll do it.
if you want me to do the google
sounds like a dance!!!
Ippy I love you man. And it's because I love you, I wish I could get through to you. Let me say straight off the bat, that I don't think that all Dems have their hearts in the right place, or are all the good guys. But I will say this. The Pubs ARE the bad guys. They couldn't be more different. Ask yourself a couple of questions (ok first I have to make a huuuuuge disclaimer here, cuz I just got home late from work had leftover brown rice for dinner and have already sucked down a whole glass of Shiraz) and the questions are................Why is it that in the last 40 years, only 12 have been Democrats? I believe I know. Because Republicans from at least Reagan, are more likely to engage in "demonizing" the other guy. They learned how to bring together the ..............base. Mention Guns, Abortion, Jesus, and Communism, and they are in. Democrats on the other hand, are a very diverse bunch. Now add the fact that Republicans favor the rich. Let corporations slide on clean air and water, give them a tax break, etc. etc. Throughout the last century, you can look at the data and see the difference. Dems have been the ones to champion raising the minimum wage, stricter environmental laws, infrastructure, etc. Look at the difference between wages, GDP, and debt under the two parties. You might be surprised. Even more interesting, look at the cycle when taxes on the top percent are high, compared to when they are low as they are now. It's a boom bust cycle under low taxes, and a steady growth under higher taxes.
Ideology yes, but distinctly different, and one has proven to be the better, if only we are willing to do the research.
Repubs: Let's take care of the rich.
Dems: Let's take care of everyone.
Very few areas of life are so starkly dissimilar, as the differences between the political parties and their ideology. It really is a black or white comparison.
There really are no redeeming qualities about the Republican Party. None.
Repubs: Regressive, hidebound to poorly-functioning ideology (remind you of any one that you know? ), the party of xenophobia, racism, torture.
Dems: Progressive, open-minded, the party of liberalism, habeas corpus, workers' rights, social justice.
Night and day, IP. Night and day.
Marjorie!! When are we going to do lunch??
Beks, I'd love to get together for lunch!
However, 'twould take some planning, as there's quite a bit of distance between us ...
Meet the new boss......same as the old boss
One gets it lined up...the other follows through....same team
Secret Court Affirms Wiretapping Without Warrants
January 16, 2009
WASHINGTON — In a rare public ruling, a secret federal appeals court has said telecommunications companies must cooperate with the government to intercept international phone calls and e-mail of American citizens suspected of being spies or terrorists.
Does anyone know how greatly the definition of "terrorist" has changed?
Speak out against religion? You may be a terrorist! Speak out against a government dictate? You may be a terrorist!
Looks like someone is just fine tuning what has already been put into place.
Yep. Looks like same team to me.
Join a party and it is not you against them but you can influence the goals.
There is a revolution, very quiet, but it's happening.
People are becoming aware.
But if there is revolution, wouldn't that leave us open to foreign powers taking over?
Isn't a divided nation easy pickin's?