I don't disagree with your assessment. I vote Democrat mainly because my own ideology on certain issues is more in harmony with them. I don't view them as morally superior on that basis, nor do I view Republicans as evil because I disagree with them politically. I believe there to be both, decent and corrupt politicians on both sides of the political spectrum.
Your beloved political party
by IP_SEC 56 Replies latest jw friends
I believe there to be both, decent and corrupt politicians on both sides of the political spectrum.
Keyser, while I would absolutely concur that there are individual Democrats that suffer from the same corporatist mindset as the Republicans (DINOS or Blue Dogs), I don't know of a single Republican that would actually put the well-being of his/her fellow American first. The one that comes the closest would be Chuck Hagel, but even he doesn't win the cigar, having voted with his party 78.1% of the time. The rest of them have to be forced, kicking and screaming, to do the right thing.
The conservatives see man as a body freely roaming the earth, building sand piles or factories—with an electronic computer inside his skull, controlled from Washington. The liberals see man as a soul freewheeling to the farthest reaches of the universe—but wearing chains from nose to toes when he crosses the street to buy a loaf of bread.
Ayn Rand
Why don't you see that political parties are pure ideology? That they are intended to separate us? Republicans vs Democrats.
It's much more than ideology. It's also a wholesome system of checks and balances preventing one faction from becoming too powerful.
keyser soze
I don't know of a single Republican that would actually put the well-being of his/her fellow American first..
Not too many Democrats either. The difference between the two parties is largely ideological. Both parties are controlled by special interest groups, and are thus answerable to them fi rst, the American people second. I think that was IP's point, with which I agree, and no one has reasonably disputed up to this point.
Both parties are controlled by special interest groups, and are thus answerable to them first, the American people second.
Don't these special interest groups represent the American people?
keyser soze
Don't these special interest groups represent the American people?
A certain faction of them, I suppose. It doesn't mean that catering to them is in the best interest of the majority of Americans. That was my meaning.
Did anyone actually WATCH Bush's exit speech the other night? All I saw was him saying "Hey!! We havent had a terrorist attack since 9/11! Shouldnt I get credit for that?" Hell NO you dont get credit for that...if we DID then ALL the credit FOR 9/11 falls directly ON YOUR ASS TOO BUSH! What a frickin moron.
I couldnt care less about labels. The revolution in this country is NOT happening quietly either. Look how many people jumped parties to vote for Obama this year? The lines are blurred forever. They should just eliminate the whole party thing altogether. Both sides will just tell you what you want to hear anyway.
Let the best man... (and now woman) win in each election.
While we're at it...eliminate the electoral college too.
Lets go directly to ballot stuffing. ")
Umm Hi. WuzL very little ship jumping happened. The popular vote was just as close as in recent elections. Obama didnt land slide the popular vote 52.9% to 45.7%. I hope you dont call that a land slide.
Hamlcr. The 3 branches of government are supposed to keep any one faction from gaining too much power. This is done by division of power. Not division of people. More than one political party a good thing? Hell yes. Perhaps 3 or 5 would be better than two.
Some of the rest of you sound like religious nuts.
My religion is better than yours because your religion sucks.
No way man! Mine is better because... because yours sucks.While you are having this argument, the Patriot Act is passed with little opposition from either of your religions. A criminal is not impeached even though the majority of your religion rules. An unjust war of aggression is waged and your religion votes YEA on it.
This is not an indictment against your ideology. I see and understand both sides of the argument. It is an idictment of your religious like devotion to a party, whichever it might be. A party that supposedly favours your point of view, but when you look under the surface you find both parties have the same agenda. They just cater to your ideology whichever that might be.