The first time I went to Australia Bethel during a holiday, we Pioneer boys put on our best "going out" clothes, no ties just very smart, well groomed and neat. The Sister we stayed with said: "Oh NO you CAN'T wear those clothes, you have to dress in meeting clothes!" So we did, realizing we had shamed ourselves and our God. Ten years later, on my last trip again visiting from another state I only had meeting pants and shirt but running shoes...Oh the horror! A Sister in my tour group told my wife I was not dressed apropriately. WHATS THE PROBLEM? I have come to see Bethel to give them my $50 bucks donation so the hell with them....most Bethel workers at the lunch were dressed LIKE ME! Why make worldly folks feel bad be dressing up like a jackass to visit a printery!
I was told off twice for what I wore to the Hell with them!
by Witness 007 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
The Bethel workers are already their full-time slaves. No point in ruining good shoes and
letting their slave feet suffer. They can do a better job if they wear sneakers.But you are not their captive yet. They want you to think it matters when you are on
holy ground what you are wearing. It just didn't work for you this time because you
saw through it.I hoped you enjoyed the $50 in your own way.
I can't remember, because last time I was inm bethel was 15 years ago..... but, did they pass the "plate", so to say? or did you look for the contribution box?
Witness 007
They have boxes so if you enjoy the lunch made with slave labour which costs $4 bucks to make, you are expected to drop in some big cash....another Pioneer on our way driving home wanted to speak to a field service comittee Brother about his new assignment and the damn bethel brothers told him to shave first! he was going to see the Pope!
.......maybe you should have worn sandles & jesus........
wha happened?
Why does this religion seem more odd by the day?
The infamous "What to wear when visiting Bethel" brochure is on display at every K/Hall around here...Not that anybody's is visiting Bethel, they just want everybody to know that you have to dress exactly the way they want you to, if you dare to drag your miserable feet around the 'Holy temple in all but name' Bethel Factory.
It is a book and magazine factory , for goodness sake !
Somebody I know is on that brochure
I'm confused. Is there actually a charge for the tour, or was the $50 donation just your own personal good-will, 007?
no more kool aid
I am so happy we never succumbed and went to Bethel. We sure were chastised for it. One circuit overseer told us that it was just criminal that we lived so close and never went to Bethel, why how would our children ever reach out if they weren't exposed to it? But the fact that you had to wear dress clothes was a big deterrent to us. So you are supposed to get dressed up at work everyday, four times a week, two whole weekends out of the year, district assembly and then spend your vacation in dress clothes at Bethel or go to the beach in cut offs. The beach won every time. Heathens all along!