Why don't they just issue a uniform and be done with it?
I was told off twice for what I wore to Bethel....so the Hell with them!
by Witness 007 44 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Why don't they just issue a uniform and be done with it?
I agree. Just because you wear a suit and tie or a "skirt of proper length" doesn't mean you are any more holy. It's so obsessive
A uniform would be better in terms of looks but no better really. the People's Temple had a uniform of sorts and look what happened to them.
Why don't they just issue a uniform and be done with it?
What, and give them some way to be absolutely SURE that they are dressed properly? It's all about the fear and uncertainty.
BluesBrother: The infamous "What to wear when visiting Bethel" brochure is on display at every K/Hall around here...Not that anybody's is visiting Bethel, they just want everybody to know that you have to dress exactly the way they want you to, if you dare to drag your miserable feet around the 'Holy temple in all but name' Bethel Factory.
Has this brochure ever been posted here? If not, it sounds like it would be interesting reading for all lurkers.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Someone please get these ladies a pair of scissors before they suffer from clothing suffocation!
I did temp work twice at Bethell. Once in the 80s, once in the 90s. There were so many rules and regulations on everything one did..and I realized after the second stint that Bethel was not for me (and pulled my ap for permanent status).
I once ran a bus tour in 91. We didnt have the "benefit" {gag} of that brochure. I thought at first it was another clever satire...it is not?!! I do remember having to send out information with the tour packet reminding about dress and grooming. Never had a problem..and those who wore clean running shoes for comfort I didnt say anything too. I figure they were adults. We had fun.. (though my idea of fun then has changed drastically since I left.)
Over a decade later, back in summer 06, I was a delegate to the special convention in Hamburg. I showed up at the airport in NY in jeans, tshirt and walking shoes (aka tennis shoes). The bus captain was not happy with me, esp since I was also supposed to be one of his "assistants." I told him that I dont do well flying and if I was going to be trapped on a 250ft aluminum tube at 35,000 feet for 6 hours I was going to be comfortable....and my "meeting clothes" were packed in checked luggage (a lie, but he didnt call my bluff). Others were quite envious of the rebellious elder in his comfy clothes... (I noticed many ties coming off and slippers coming out during flight).
I think that old brother didnt know what to make of me. I think he had suspicions of me even then...it was a year later I left the Org...LOL...maybe he knew before I did I was bad news...
Snakes ()
I was shocked at the dress code for going to International Conventions, even more for going to Bethel.
My friends kids went to IC, and on top of the cost of getting there and hotel, had to get new clothes to wear
to go around the city.
I can't believe they have a brochure on how to dress to go to Bethel.
A week ago I was talking to a JW friend who was on the 06 germany trip ..(she knows I dont go to the KH anymore and still stays in contact regularly..another story).... about the amount of money and rules on our trip. We agreed it was a one time deal. Any future trips would not be for conventions but real vacations where you can do what you want and dress how you want.
CO's have pretty stringent rules...no jeans, flip flops, etc... even when "off duty".... because they are always representing the FDS and the GB... one CO wife told me she cannot go to the grocery for a late night run unless she is presentable (no sweats, curlers, etc)...
Snakes ()
I am so happy we never succumbed and went to Bethel. We sure were chastised for it. One circuit overseer told us that it was just criminal that we lived so close and never went to Bethel, why how would our children ever reach out if they weren't exposed to it?
I dunno, exposure to Bethel @ 18 is what got me OUT. You know, the whole yarn "It's like a 4 yr. university" Then I talked to someone who'd been there four years doing laundry. Also, the vacant smiles and stares scared the shit outta me. I maybe went to four meetings after that.
The picture of on the brochure looks like the Bethel at the HQ, Roodekrans, South Africa. I helped lay those darn bricks....
I went on a tour, wearing my faded jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. The tour operater probably thought I was 'wordly' and never said a thing to me. These rules and the Kindom Ministry articles before the assemblies was a bit strange, but...those are the rules inside the system. Abide by them or be punished....you have been warned