...Jehovah`s Witness`s the Fastest Growing Religon on Earth!!...

by OUTLAW 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    We`ve all heard it...."Jehovah`s Witness`s the Fastest Growing Religon on Earth!!".....It must be true..The WBT$ says it`s true!..........................................................................................................................................How many of you remember the endless line-ups just to get into a Kingdom Hall,any Kingdom Hall?!!..People are lined up around the block just to get in!..There are never enough seats..It`s standing room only,in every Kindom Hall!!.....................It`s sad to see the Crowds of Worldly People being turned away at the Kingdom Hall door..There`s only so much room in a Kingdom Hall..Eventually you have to lock the Kingdom Hall doors,just to keep people out!...........................................................................................................................................When will the Craze to become a Jehovah`s Witness end?!!..It`s none stop!..Worldly People are knocking on the doors of Jehovah`s Witness homes,trying to learn how they can become Jehovah`s Witness`s!!......Some Jehovah`s Witness`s have been forced to put up signs on their property!..:"Please don`t Bother us about our Religion,we need some Sleep!"...........................................................With this much Interest in the "Jehovah`s Witness Religion"..There can be no doubt,a "New World Order" is at hand!!..Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • inkling
    "Jehovah`s Witness`s the Fastest Growing Religon on Earth!!".....It must be true..The WBT$ says it`s

    Do they? I mean, in print?


  • no more kool aid
    no more kool aid

    They can have my seat. Sorry I burned the books.


    I can`t remember ever seeing it in print.....But..I heard it a lot,growing up.............I remember sitting in a doctors office many years ago..I was reading "Time" magazine..It had an article about religions and how fast they were growing.....The Muslim "She-ite" religion was at the top......"Jehovah`s Witness`s" was way down at the bottom of the list.....That was the first time I realised I had been lied,to about the growth of the Jehovah`s Witness`s......It was just one of many lies I was about to discover,about Jehovah`s Witness`s......................................

    Clint Eastwood...OUTLAW



    "They can have my seat. Sorry I burned the books"
    ................The Jehovah`s Witness Religion is growing so fast,you can probably sell you seat on E-Bay!!..LOL!!.............The books are of no use..........................................................................................................There is always New Light.....The old books have to be destroyed..Someone may find out 1975 really did happen..Or..The generation of 1914 was`nt supposed to die!..LOL!!.............................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • shamus100

    They're numbers are actually shrinking according to global population growth. That, and you can now put in time for 'preaching' for fifteen minutes. I could have done that standing on my head when I was dubbed.

  • carla

    Yeah, my jw said that to me the other week. He said it was one of 'your groups' (meaning worldly) that did a study and that was the result of the research. Think he meant the PEW Report? he had no idea exactly what research showed jw growth. Nevermind that they depend upon the org itself to report it's own numbers..... from there it just got more heated and off topic. You know how it goes.

  • shamus100

    I hear you, Carla.

    Basically, if you want to go inactive in this day and age, you're telling everyone in dubdom that you're through. There aren't many people on the fence anymore.

  • jeeprube

    The only thing growing within the organization is the anointed class. 3.8% growth last year, as opposed to 3.1% for the "normal" crowd.

  • Farkel

    :the Fastest Growing Religon on Earth!!...

    Yeah, we all grew up hearing that crap.

    Mark Twain said, "there are lies, damnable lies and statistics!" That pretty much tells you where statistics are located on the scale of lies!

    If the Catholic Church got 170 MILLION new members in a year, that would be about a 17% increase.

    The WTS would only need to 102,000 new members in a year to show a 17% increase, which is 169,898,000 LESS members than the Catholic Church would need to get to show the same percent of increase.

    If you start your own religion with yourself as the only member and get just 1 convert in a year, you would have a 100% increase.

    The WTS shot themselves in the foot when decades ago they used this "fastest growing religion" stuff as proof they were God's chosen people. Using the same logic today, and not counting little dinky faiths, the Muslims are BY FAR the fastest growing religion in the world, followed closely by the charismatic "holy roller" Christian sects. Surely, "Jehovah" has passed the God mantle over to Allah in these modern, critical times and Allah is blessing his people with spiritual riches. Not to mention car bombs.



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