Who produces this chart? Note the constant DECLINE in growth percentage over the years. graft+of+jw+losses.jpg (image)
...Jehovah`s Witness`s the Fastest Growing Religon on Earth!!...
by OUTLAW 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Wtwizard.."They are the fastest growing fake statistic religion, not the fastest growing real numbers religion."......Are you sugesting the WBT$ cooks the books?..LOL!!.......................................................................Wobble..Everyone knows the Jehovah`s Witness`s are the only True Christian Religion!..Growth in other religions does`nt count!!..LOL!!.............................................................Wuzlovesdubs/The missus.."Whatever happened to the JW reasoning that "the greater number will cool off" ?"......The WBT$ likes to play both sides of that coin...The numbers are going up,We must be Gods true Religion!.....The numbers are going down,we must be Gods True Religion!.............................................................FinallyFree.."They have the fastest revolving door."..Jehovah`s Witness`s lose2/3rds of born in`s..Thats just the start of thier loss`s........................................