I seem to recall reading some time back that the Society once wrote how some in the congregation refer to the Society as "mama" or "mother". Does anyone remember that? Better yet, does anyone have a reference for that?
Watchtower Society = Mama
by Shepherd Book 32 Replies latest watchtower bible
We are subject, therefore, to God through Christ, the chief one in God’s wifely organization, which is our mother. Hence, as parents are known by their children, to bring reproach on the visible New World society is to bring reproach on Jehovah God and Christ Jesus and on our mother.
w57 5/1 p.280 par.2 TrustYourProved,FaithfulBrothers ******w57 5/1 p.274 par.3 ShowRespectforJehovah’sOrganization***
It is through his organization that God provides this light that the proverb says is the teaching or law of the mother. If we are to walk in the light of truth we must recognize not only Jehovah God as our Father but his organization as our mother.
*** w50 10/1 p.346 par.15 TheWayofSuccess***
A person who thinks he can get along without God’s organization and can study the Bible on his own and can do God’s work independently as he thinks best apart from all organization is very foolish. He lacks all understanding of how God has dealt with his servants in times past. We must not forget that God instructs us through his organization, his woman, our mother. He respects his woman and appreciates the work that she does in behalf of His sons and daughters. So he does not like it when any professed Christian disrespects the "mother" organization. To disrespect her means to disrespect Jesus Christ, for God has made this beloved Son the head of the Theocratic organization. He who robs the organization of the respect due this symbolic mother is working to destroy the organization, not build it up. He is guilty of transgressing against her divine husband, Jehovah our heavenly Father. What you do against her you do against him. "Whoso robbeth his father or his mother, and saith, It is no transgression; the same is the companion of a destroyer." And the great destroyer is Satan the Devil. (Prov. 28:24) Let us, then, not rob and destroy, but show love and respect for our mother by never forsaking her law and teaching as the Devil did. Let us ever be obedient to her, doing so as to Jehovah, her Husband and Head.
Hmmm... I wonder why they don't make reference to this anymore..??
Yeah they'd sound stupid. But if you read between the lines in more recent pubs it's there. And individual dubs refer to the org as "mama" all the time.
I've heard that term reffered to recently. One of the watchtower loons I used to know said she was going to call The Mother in NYC. Reason: She thought the spiritual grand poobahs were dragging their feet in 'reinstating' her son from the penalty box who got his spirtual pee pee slapped for being bad.
Shepherd Book
Great references!
My grandfather, who ame into the religion in the 1950s, always calls the Watchtower Society his "Mama". He says things like "Mama sent me a letter today", which is his way of saying the Awake! came in the mail.
If they consider themselves Mother, and Jehovah as Father, then are they saying that they are married to God?
Married to God? If Jesus, God's Son is the chief member of his "woman", is Jehovah a pedophile??????? Incestuous?????? No wonder we have this pedophile problem!
Shepherd Book wrote: "If they consider themselves Mother, and Jehovah as Father, then are they saying that they are married to God?"
Given the Society's view of women (lesser, dumber, prone to evil, Eve- and Jezebel-type tempters, etc.), I'm surprised they would ever refer to themselves in the feminine gender. Maybe the men as well as the women at Bethel should be wearing Kleenex on their heads.
Marriage to God would be the logical conclusion if dubs have a "mother" and a "father." Looks like the Society and Jehovah have been living together in sin for some time now, a disfellowshipping offense, not to mention setting a terrible example for their children, the r&f dubs. To redeem themselves, they should have a mass wedding ceremony, at which the fds and other Society muck-a-mucks would wear wedding gowns (not white! too late for that!) to legitimize their "holy" union with Jehovah.
They'd better hurry, too. Armageddon will come any minute now. They won't want to be caught living in sin with Jehovah -- they'd be toast. And weddings take time to plan, what with the flowers, seating arrangements, food, photographers, and all. What do you think about pink roses with baby's breath?
I really hope they do it -- it would be a mighty fine shindig!
Shepherd Book
I just pray there's no rice throwing. That's pagan.
p.s. My love bird says hi.
Shepherd Book wrote: "If they consider themselves Mother, and Jehovah as Father, then are they saying that they are married to God?"
But if they claim to "speak for Jehovah"....could it also mean that Jehovah is female?
Why does everyone assume that Jehovah is male?
Is there any biblical reference that Jehovah is a male figure?