I wouldn't go back again if I were you, but if you must return, please tell this to the creepy elder: "No, I haven't missed you. As a matter of fact, I haven't ever given you a second thought. Now, please let go of my hands, because this is very inappropriate behavior for Jehovah's people." And say it as loud as you can without screaming. Even if he isn't deleted by the gang of good ole boys, maybe it will serve as a warning to other women in the congregation about this creep.
*Major rant* my Sunday at the Hall aka HELL, also need ladies opinion on creepy elder
by lola28 51 Replies latest jw friends
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
I'm not skilled in the whats and wheres of martial arts like Nathan, but perhaps you could train yourself to projectile vomit on command.
Wouldn't it be cool to visit the Kingdumb Hell and start a vomit wave? Just picture the psycho elder drenched in puke.
B the X
Listen to Nathan. Very quietly apply the "lock", with a nice smile on your face.
If you can stomach going that is.
I will gag all thru my next two visits to the KH. My mom and MIL's funerals.
How about "keep your hands to yourself douchebag"
Isnt there a scripture that says specifically that a man should not be touching a woman who isnt his WIFE??
" How will these kids function if they are homeschooled and never socialize with people who have different opinions? It makes me so sad to see what is being done to these kids, they are woefully unprepared for life in the real world."
I don't think there is anything wrong with homeschooling kids. We currently are homeschooling our kids. It takes a lot of time and hard work. I think they will function o.k. I see that there can be a whole lot of trouble to get into at the local public school at a very young age. I don't see anything wrong with protecting them until they are a little older and better prepared for this world.
The elder was out of line with you, no doubt. Stay far away from him. Just my opinion. If he ever takes your hand again, just make a scene by getting loud and jerking your hand away. Hopefully others will see what's going on and maybe he will get the hint.
Mickey mouse
I know an elder *JUST* like that. In fact, now I think about it, I know several.
Jeff, I don't know any of the elders from this hall, I don't know if they would believe me, I think I'm going to pas on the vomit thing too thats just nasty, but I kinda like the lock thig, I'm checking my e-mail and i just realized that he e-mailed me *groans* I'd forgotten I used to e-mail him my time, I'll post it later when I have more tme.
I am with alltimejeff and Elsewhere on this one ...The cong could and should remove him. There is a system in place that does not allow such behaviour..But I guess you would not want to make a formal complaint..
Try shouting "Let GO!!" ...embarrassment can do the trick.
Musky, I don't think there's anything wrong with homeschool, I had to do that with my sister when she got sick and it was a lot of work, my problem stems with why the child is being homeschooled. In this case it's simply to keep the child from spending time with those who do not share his/her religion, not because the parent thinks he/she can do a better job at teaching the child, I've seen how some of these parents "teach" their kids and I've heard some of these kids try to "read" and it is bad, in my opinion some of these parents are doing their kids a great disservice.
Ahhh, the "vomit wave." Visions of Monty Python.
Actually I like the "Let go of my hand, douchebag!" Just loud enough for those within 20 or 30 feet to hear.
He IS pittiful.