lola, I think I see what your saying. I am trying to educate my kids the best I can and protect them from harm. I want them to think for themselves and make there own decisions in life when they become adults. I don't want them to fear that there parents won't talk to them again because they decided on a different course in what to be believe about religion. I will respect and love them in whatever decision they make.
*Major rant* my Sunday at the Hall aka HELL, also need ladies opinion on creepy elder
by lola28 51 Replies latest jw friends
I would be way more harsh with the guy than people are suggesting here. I would go in to great detail on how much he disgusts you.
"The thought of you in the same room with you makes me vomit into my mouth a little bit. If I were given the choice of kissing you or jumping head first into a pile of steaming, runny horse crap, it wouldn't take a second for me to jump into the crap. If you hold my hand like that again I will be forced to gnaw off my own arm in order to never have to remember the seedy feel of you touching me."
Geez, the man touched you and has now sent you an email. You're on his radar honey and you need to nip that in the bud pronto
I don't know your status (I.E. DFed, DAed, or fading...) but!
If anyone ever asks... I'd be real quick to say that I don't go because there's a creepy fella there that makes me feel icky - and I think he's a pervert... and... well... you can add whatever words you want to insert. Don't hold back.
OR!! Just tell the fella to his face! YOU'RE the reason I don't come here - idiot!
Jim TX
I quit!
Ya...he's a weirdo. Are you close enough to the other elders and for that matter women in the congregation to know how they feel about this guy? Someone else must have noticed his behavior. I second what Dismembered said however even if I weren't ready to completely leave the Watchtower I'd find another KH to ingest my spiritual slop at. They're like McDonald's you can get the same crappy food at any of their locations.
sammielee24 didn't say if you were an active JW or not or if the reason for home schooling is because in whole or part of being a JW. I agree with Lola, the reason why is important. In my family some kids were home schooled - they were JW kids with JW parents and JW grandparents. There were a lot of reasons given to all the other folk in the family but the nuts and bolts of it were to avoid bad association - to protect them from the world. It didn't make it any easier for them when they realized that they still had to work in the world with nobody to protect fact, getting them out of the society ever will be much harder because of lack of outside involvement, knowledge or experience in the world. sammieswife.
The cong could and should remove him. There is a system in place that does not allow such behaviour..But I guess you would not want to make a formal complaint..
Its Lola's word against his. He is an elder and you are nobody in DubWorld. He wins everytime. Next time knee him in the nuts and say loudly "QUIT TOUCHING ME CREEP".. at least the congo will be properly alerted.
Lola....Even if you were a good little dubbie sister, the "cong" that should remove him is really the "body of elders." And they often protect their own.
real life example: There is a creep elder like that in the last congo where I was an elder. He is in his 50s, married. Regular pioneer. Waaay to friendly with the sisters (a quick hug to someone you are close to is different than just hugging young sisters in the KH all the time...his are the creepy kind of hugs). This elder got caught looking at porn (a relative was visiting their home and the brother used the elder's laptop and perused his browsing history.....and confronted him).....elder confessed had been doing it for 2 or more years... I was the only elder that brought out the Bible (plus WT lit) trying to get him removed....he claimed he was repentant but when I asked directly if he would have come forward if not caught...he admitted no..he wouldnt have voluntarily come forward.....
Brother Creepy was allowed to remain as an elder and a pioneer and service overseer... still is....(me on the other hand.... I was deleted for being "unreasonable" because I wouldnt go along with the elders on that and many other matters).... Brother Creepy is still used on assembly parts, etc ..... best thing ever happened to me...getting
BTW....This is the same congo elders that allows another married brother in his 50s (lets call him Mickey Mouse because he always wears cartoon ties) to hold little 4-6 year old girls on his lap during meetings and take them out to the lobby to "talk" and plying them with candy and attention... ...and where the same brother MM who gets an adult sister (a known alcoholic) drunk and then commits "loose conduct" with her but gets nothing but a quiet non-JC "talking to" while she gets DFd....
so Lola....even if you found a "sympathetic liberal elder" (like I was), we were often drummed out for going against the "good ole boys" network. Our congo lost 4 "sympathetic liberal elders", two who tired of the games and stepped aside, and the PO who moved away over it....leaving the Child PO, his jackass father secretary, Brother Creepy Service Overseeer and two Elderly Elders who are/were useless when it comes to "protecting the flock."....yeah things are great in Death Valley Midwest.
creeps .... Lola....stay out of Kingdom Halls if you can..its your best bet... if you time knee him in the nuts.
Snakes ()
Nathan Natas
Billy the ex-Bethelite counseled:
I'm not skilled in the whats and wheres of martial arts like Nathan, but perhaps you could train yourself to projectile vomit on command.
Ah, yes! The nefarious ipecac-filled molar appliance, just like the ones used by OSS operatives when they were on assignment in war-torn Europe. Excellent idea!
NN..I`ve met very few people who even knew what an Akido Wrist lock was..It`s an incredibly crippling move if taken to the extreme..Or..Will give you absolute control of a situation with no harm done.......Have you studied Akido Bud?.............................
Ladies... always listen to your "Spidey Sense"!