Okay here's the deal. I work right now in homehealth. The family is Mormon. She (the mother) has invited me over to her place for dinner on wednesday (two days from now) and invited a few 'missionary's' over to join us, so that I could ask 'my questions' (that I don't have). Quite frankly, i'm against all forms of organized religion. However, I do stay at her house and take care of her child so I can't turn down the offer nor tear them up on their questions, but I definately don't want it to be another 'shepherding call' or some BS that's going to attempt to converte me over to their religion. So should they start pushing that button on me, i have no problem wanting to shut them up regardless of the mother being my Client. Here's the problem: I know nothing about Mormons, but I know a lot about Jws (tehe). I really need some help in askng some hard questions that would stump them like crazy IF they push my 'join our religion' button. i'm not trying to be mean, infact, to the contrary I want to be peaceful. I informed the mother tha tI would arrive with a branch of peace, nor a stick of war. So, I do want to keep it peaceful, but should they push me to the limit, I don't want to have nothing to say. I don't want to be cornered either. Does anyone have any questions about the mormon religion? That is equally comparable to the jehovahs religion ...such as how can Jesus be king in 1914 when in the book of mt 28 he stated 'all power here on heaven and earth has been given to me?' which is pretty self explainatory about being a king. I mean does this make sense? I mean Mormons don't believe that, but the question is pretty solid. And i'm looking for solid questions like that, that would stump them. Make sense?
p.s. If you're a mormon now, i hold nothing against you, but Just as we don't want jws' trying to converte us, I feel that way towards ALL religion.