Why not politely inform them that you aren't interested in any religion at this time?
Exactly! They are breaking employment laws, if they expect you to listen to their cult drivel in order to remain an employee. It's called religious discrimination.
On the other hand, what you're doing reeks of dishonesty. What's your purpose in leading them on? To provide the best home health care as a secular employee,
or to sabotage beliefs that you admittedly haven't a clue about? Why instigate trouble at a workplace, for any reason?
What's your desired outcome — once you point out the fables and foibles of Mormonism? Do you have something better to offer them instead? Obviously not.
Personally, I'd focus squarely on the responsibilities of the job at hand that I was hired for, and leave religion entirely out of it.
If you have no intention of joining their religion, talk to your employer about this illegal conduct. They have a responsibility to protect your rights. Self-employed?
Quit this client and find clients who won't preach at you. Home health care is one of the few areas that's booming right now in this down economy.
If their religion is just not for you, state it.
"I was hired to do X, Y, and Z and I intend to do my best in performing those healthcare job duties, regardless of religious affiliation. Please respect that and kindly
refrain from preaching at me. If you chose to fire me for my beliefs (or lack of beliefs), I will promptly lawyer-up and sue your a$$ into the ground."
Simple. No head games required.