Dear broken Hearted. I am so sorry to hear about you losing your daughter. I wasn't going to post on your thread because this is about your daughter, and not my thread, but since your thread is about how j.w.'s use these kind of situations for proselytizing,(sp), I am going to tell you what happened this last August, because it relates to your story, also.
My niece and nephew lost their 7 year old daughter in a flash flood at a campground in New Hampshire. The day that the survivors, Mom, Dad, and 5 year old boy, came home, my wife got a call to go and stock up their refridgerator with food so that they won't have to cook when they arrived home.
So, my wife and two daughters (one who is studying with the j.w.'s) went to their house with a meat pie, salad, soup, and sandwiches to restock the fridge and leave before they came home.
My wife had the key to their house, as she babysits for them every week, so she was the first one to the door. In the door was the Awake tract! The June issue that talks about Noah and the flood, and how God will destroy the wicked in the flood !!! What a thing for a family that just lost their 7 year old daughter to read after a thing like that!
My wife quickly took it and put it in her pocket book before anyone else saw her. So, I would say yes, they will take every opportunity to get their time in, and try to get new converts. To me, this was about the lowest thing a person could do. I'm sure my j.w. daughter had nothing to do with this, but I'm not sure about a few others in the family who are j.w.'s.