The Constitution says right to bear arms it doesn't say only none semi automatic weapons with tracer bullets because the Government loves you, maybe we should all just have pea shooters. If the citizens had not had the same kinds of guns as the military their would have been no American Revolution. Yeah Carol Browner is a dam** socialist, the Clinton admistration was full of them Hillary is one too, Obamas choice for attorney General Helm is also a big gun grabber, his whole cabinet is gun grabbers mostly from the Clinton era when they gave us Waco. These people mean business first they take your guns and next your first admendments rights (Obama helped write the Patriot Act) they really crack down like sharks that smell blood in the water just look at the pattern in every other country except the U.S. Look at England they took their guns now they have fourtenn million cameras on the streets of London admitted that their watching the Public. Go back into the ninteen fourties and read George Orwell and H.G. Wells-had relative high up in the U.N., and Brave New World they warned what the elite had in store for the rest of us and now it's arrived.
But when Obama was campaining and somebody mentioned that he was for gun control his campaign threatened to sue, oh no we couldn't bring facts out in the debates just babble obscure promises about hope and change.