I have a problem..I have been df'd for like 6 or 7 years I lose count but point is my parents are still stuck in the alternate dimension called jw and they seem to think that there is still a "chance" for me. lol..funny shit i think but anyway, the town I live in just happens to house some of my friggin elder pop's elder friends...like I thought when I got df'd that meant they would leave me alone but now that I have a wife and kid that ARENT jw related at all my parents seem to think that my wife will "convert" I trust my wife better than that and I know that there is no way that she would ever do that..she is as cynical as I am..my prob is that they have infiltrated me at my work and I dont want to have to be an asshole about it but I just need them to leave me be...anybody got any ideas on things I can do shy of buying a fully automatic weapon and perching myself on my front doorstep? anyway..I can hear the psychiatrist callin my name...lol..
they wont leave me alone!
by zanex 28 Replies latest jw friends
When you say they have infiltrated your work, do you mean they stop by or do they work with you? If they work with you, inform them that if they do not keep approaching you about religion you will have tell the human resource department you are being harrassed.
If they are just coming into your work, is there away they can be asked to leave by management?
refiners fire
I had the same problem years ago, it was because I didnt break completely away from the milieu of Witnessworld.I relied on my Witness brother (fleshly) to house me. Move house,stop relying on relatives to put you up,change jobs, leave them all behind. -
Hey Zanex,how`s it goin,not too good eh?Thats all right,because you can turn the whole deal around.Tell them to their face not to bother you again.You don`t want to be an asshole?Your dealing with assholes take appropriate measures to protect your family.They don`t care if they tear your family apart,just as long as somebody takes their magazines!Bastards tried the same thing with me,you`ve got to take the bull by the horns and get tough for your familys sake!Don`t take no for an answer,if you have to,punch somebody out.Just don`t let them mess with your family!..MERRY CHRISTMAS ...OUTLAW
well there is an elder who does some contract work with my office and he coincidentally knows my pop..he casually throws out small invitations to meetings and asks about my dad or mother or sister who he is more allowed to talk to than I am. Then toppin that one is the mother/daughter team of jw's that volounteers at the agency...they are nice but eternally leaving wtowers and awakes in the office and I cant stop that one. In the non-profit sector all religions have rights to advertise and I understand that but it just brings up too many old feelings of hostility and I dont want to be a jerk...
good to hear yer words of angst ridden support outlaw! I know I can alwayz count on ya..heh heh. Yah if I had my way I wud be stirning much colorful methaphoric phrases left and right their way...but my wife and her family are not familiar with the jw mentality and so when I get cold and assholish towards my parents and sis they are shocked that I could be so cold to them. My parents come around maybe twice a year and it is just enuff to f* with me. My mother is in constant contact with my wife tryin all her "preachin tactics" and it kida bugs me eventho my wife just laughs my mother off...and if I have to punch someone out I know exactly which one it will be..heh heh..on the upside the psychotropic drugs have been workin quite well lately..lol
my parents are 3 states away and I have ZERO contact with ANY family jw's oher than those one or two times that I felt obligated to introduce my parents to their first granddaughter and my sis to her first niece..I thought that maybe that would make things better and got duped again...I might of had the word "disfellowshipped" tatooed on my forehead for all they cared..lol
Zanex,I`m not suggesting you punch your parents or sister out.LOL.But you are going to have to be firm with them,and make it sticks.Anybody else,BOOM-BOOM out go the lights!...OUTLAW
zanax --
I thought I was going to have the same problem. My hubby has never been a JW. When my sister and brother-in-law said that they could no longer talk with me, but could talk with my hubby, I put my foot down. (I obviously ran it by my hubby after I did...lol [he agreed with me]). I told them if they couldn't talk with me, they couldn't talk with him, after all, we are one. She understood. But let me say that she has no problem telling folks in my town that she is my sister.
I had to fill out a form for work explaining my last wishes in case of on duty accidents. Try having to explain to your boss, that if you ever pass in the line of duty, that your mother isn't welcome to the funeral and services.ofcmad
"Noah was a drunk and look what he accomplished." The Metatron/ Dogma
Make sure they're ok, even without you.
I taught my son stories as well as how kind God is. Now he knows. Here's one of them.
Long ago someone looked up at the stars and thought, "How are those lights!" and having a piece of paper and a pencil he wrote down the patterns. When turning his head he soon realised that he could use them to find the way in the dark. He thought, "We can teach our children to use them and go places", and so some people learned and became navigators.
BangOne night clouds obscurred some lights and after being lost for a fair while a proud novice thought to himself, "Those navees are stupid", and after sometime he thought that the lights were monsters' eyes. When he found his way somewhere he was excited how the monsters didn't hurt him. The next day he figured, "Those monsters must be going to get the navigators!". He told everyone not to listen to any navigators, that they were evil and were going to be monster food.
Not having heard a good explanation, other people believed it, and naturally they tried not to look like the navees. Then someone else simply couldn't abide looking at those monster food navees any longer so he started at them himself, and the navigators said, "Hey! Enough already with the monstering! They're lights ya funny mental person!".
Now they were offended as well. By now inquisitive people found out the lights were stars. After hearing that, many people saw an excuse not to be getting involved and they said, "Stars aren't lights and people who watch them are just strange".
Even today though, many navigators in different clubs agree that the starlight is a gift and they enjoy free thinking. Other people deny that navigating makes for freedom, but maybe they haven't tried navigating without a pattern yet.