Something important from the RBC

by startingover 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • startingover

    I was around a group of JW's last night, and one mentioned how at their recent KH remodel, done by the RBC, they eliminated their ceiling fans. THe RBC said that the fans were operating at a certain frequency that made it hard to concentrate. They were not sure what the frequency that was referred to was, electrical or the fan blades. Anyway, all their fans were disassembled and were sent somewhere, Mexico was mentioned.

    I guess they don't have a problem with frequency in Mexico.

  • AudeSapere


    I have ceiling fans in my house. When certain lights on the fans are on at the same time the fan is on, it can produce a strobe-effect. Strobe-effects cause seizures in some people. I would think that would be a reason to not have them installed.

    Never heard about frequency.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Perhaps the fans were operating on the same frequency as the Borg Matrix?

  • AudeSapere

    Snippet from

    About one in 4000 individuals has photosensitive epilepsy. Repetitive flashing lights
    may induce seizures in these individuals. The flash frequency of concern is from 5 Hz to
    70 Hz, with most individuals only susceptible in the range of 15 Hz to 20 Hz.
    A flashing strobe (or a close combination of multiple strobes sequenced together) must
    not be programmed to flash in the 5 Hz to 70 Hz frequency range.

    I wonder if this is what the problem is with those particular fans?? WHY send something to Mexico that is considered dangerous to Americans?


  • troubled mind
    troubled mind

    WHY send something to Mexico that is considered dangerous to Americans?


    Because with the witnesses it is not about the people it is about following the letter of the law . The states must have a new law about this and Mexico hasn't caught on yet .

  • leavingwt

    The rules are different for Mexico.

    Am I the only one that read Crisis of Conscience?


  • truthsetsonefree

    Of course its also possible that this group of JWs didn't have the story straight too.



    A ceiling fan goes round and round..It provides entertainment during meetings!..People need to concentrate on the speaker!..The speaker is the only one allowed to spin anything in a Kingdom Hall!!...................

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • startingover

    Or maybe the fans didn't fit into the decorating scheme. From what I've heard the RBC really comes in and takes over.

  • cameo-d

    THe RBC said that the fans were operating at a certain frequency that made it hard to concentrate. They were not sure what the frequency that was referred to was, electrical or the fan blades.

    Startingover...WHO advised them about this "frequency"?

    This "frequency" stuff is one of the concepts soon to appear with the "paradigm shift."

    Frequencies are also used in behavior modification.

    I have often wondered if KH uses inaudible frequencies in their sound system to cause a suggestive phase of hypnosis.

    In the near future expect to hear that "all diseases are caused by an imbalance and can be healed by frequencies." This is one of the ploys that will be used to encourage people to get a chip so they will be able to receive those frequencies.

    Also, there are other strange things going on with the air waves being cleared of radio broadcasting frequencies with the digital changeover.

    "Frequencies" is an important buzzword. Where did this come from, exactly?

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