The Aztecs were very much into wanting to please the gods, so they sacrificed animals and humans to appease their god(s). The Mayans did the same.
The Assyrians and other "pagans" were known to perform human sacrifices. Throughout history, people have killed innocent victims---all in the name of trying to please God.
When nations go to war with one another, they praise those who give the ultimate sacrifice for their country. Dying for a cause, especially when that cause has God's blessing, is very important. Being a martyr or helping someone become a martyr is most praiseworthy.
Jehovah's Witnesses are no different than extremist Islamic fundamentalists or pagan societies of yesteryear. They promote sacrificing their lives to make their God happy. They teach their followers that God himself wants you to give up your present life now and live for the future. They praise their adherents when they refuse to save their lives or those of their family. They say the reward will be greater in the afterlife. They want you to disown yourself and everyone around you. They expect you to die for the cause. And the ultimate gift that you can give is "dying faithfully".
The reality is, Jehovah's Witnesses are just like all other religions that they condemn. They are as barbaric and uncaring as the pagans of centuries ago. They have no respect for life. They don't value it..... It's easy to sacrifice yourself when you view yourself as ultimately not all that important.