What's the difference between some "pagan" religion that sacrificed their children in fire and JWs who sacrfice their children by refusing blood transfusions?
Human Sacrifice---The Ultimate Gift To God
by minimus 24 Replies latest jw friends
Homerovah the Almighty
Religion is more important to men that want to be in his power and his money
...and for the WT Society to publish a magazine with photos of children sacrificed to their god, extolling their virtues and faithfullness is one of most disgusting things ever printed by that cult.
What's the difference between some "pagan" religion that sacrificed their children in fire and JWs who sacrfice their children by refusing blood transfusions?
Those were "false" gods, of course...
good thread.....
Homerovah the Almighty
None undercover absolutely none, but remember he still loves you
Thousands of people and even young children have sacrificed their lives to this most loving of the gods.
The only problem with this is that this god never really existed
and the power from all the men that said they acquired from him never existed either.
"With or without religion, you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion." Steven Weinberg Quote
I believe that the witlesses take sacrifice to the extreme. Say, you have a nice block of free time. Someone is going to say "Sac-ri-fice it", and you will be out in field circus before you know it. You have a nice car, and you are supposed to sacrifice it to the field misery. Comfort, health, and sometimes even length of life (not to mention quality) is sacrificed to this giant scam. True, they continually use terms like "disowning oneself" as what one does at baptism.
At least the Flying Spaghetti Monster doesn't go around inventing scams like "Original Sin" to coerce people into sacrificing. And, even if you do believe in Original Sin and that Jesus' death paid for it, what common sense does it take to realize "Jesus offered up his life a perfect sacrifice, to which nothing ever need be added". Further sacrifice amounts to rejecting Jesus, even if you are going to fall for the Original Sin scam; and a complete waste of one's time if you do not.
Then you have Samson's suicidal sacrifice motivated by revenge for one of his two eyes. Perhaps the first recorded terrorist martyr?
It's easier for those without a life to sacrifice.