Some one broke in my house yesterday

by rhett 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • rhett

    There's this guy who I used to be friends with who thought that the only reason my kids loved me was because I rewarded them. Of course, I had to prove him wrong. Last Friday I heard him talking to some people that he was going to break into my house and kill a few of my kids as well as trash the house. This wasn't a big suprise as he's killed quite a few of my other kids. So anyways, he broke in Sunday morning. Quite a few of my kids are dead now and I'll have to do quite a bit of remodeling. I actually sat there and watched him brutally murder my youngest. I had a gun in my hand and could have easily stopped him but I didn't because I wanted to prove to him that the kids that are still alive really would love me only because I'm such a great guy and not because I actually do anything for them. My other kids still do everything I ask of them. Wow, I guess I really showed him!!! On the upside though, I told my kids that everything would be ok and the ones that were tortured by this guy I would hold their hand as they died. I'm such a nice guy! Sure, I'll eventually make sure this guy gets arrested but I still have to prove that my kids (the ones that are left anyways) love me and that I am a good father towards them.

    So, do you think I'm a sadistic bastard or do you think you want to be one of my kids? If you think I'm a sadistic bastard (which I would be if this actually happened) then you can understand why I don't believe in the christian god.

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • nytelecom1

    to learn more about the day when we will live in a crime
    free world please contact me or the nearest Branch office Of
    Jehovahs Witnesses for a free home bible study

  • rhett
    to learn more about the day when we live in a crime
    free world please contact me or the nearest Branch office Of
    Jehovahs Witnesses for a free home bible study

    Wow, you mean god's actually going to do something about the thousands of years of torture that has happened to boost god's ego?

    I don't need to fight
    To prove I'm right
    I don't need to be forgiven.

  • duped


    Wow!! That illustration was really good. As I was reading it I was thinking how the witnesses always try to use illustrations to prove their point. I guess they won't be using yours from the platform anytime soon. :)

    I was talking to my mother the other day about how the witnesses have no respect for someone who decides that this religion is not right for them. And she went on with some illustration about going out in a boat on the ocean when a storm is coming. And not heeding the warning. I may have to use your illustration on her someday. I wonder what her reaction would be. ;)


    "Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug." Mary Chapin-Carpentar

  • ChuckD
    ...please contact me or the nearest Branch office Of
    Jehovahs Witnesses for a free home bible study

    Via the locked email address, or through the maxim web page?

  • Satanus


    Got to hand it to you. I think you just knocked down the whole wt tower in one shot.


  • Skeptic


    You gave an excellent illustration that drives the point home.

    I gave this one on the old H2O, and it was deleted immediately by the moderators. Here, goes...uh, if any reader there has been victum of child abuse, STOP READING NOW.

    The following is hypothetical only, and has never happened:
    Let's say that my ex and I are in a child custody dispute. I know I am the better parent, but my ex-wife got custody. I find out that my child is being raped repeatedly by my ex's boyfriend, with her knowledge and consent. I do nothing and wait two years before going back to a judge. I am aware that the rapes have been happening for those two years.

    I tell the judge I waited the two years knowing that my kid was being repeatedly raped because I wanted to establish beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was the better parent. There should be no question for all time that I am the good parent, and the my ex is not.

    What would a judge say? He/She would probably say we were both bad parents. I should have prevented it; as a bare minimum reported it to the authorities and try to get custody much sooner.

    God is supposedly all-powerful and all-knowing. Yet, He has allowed millions of children to be raped repeatedly throughout 6,000 or more years of man's history. What kind of a parent does that make God? Not one that I would want to have.


  • outnfree

    Boy, NYTelecom!

    You just link to one bad website ( to another (maxim)!
    Not quite sure if you've gone from bad to worse, though!


    EXCELLENT illustration!


    When the truth is found to be lies
    and all the joy within you dies ...
    -- Darby Slick, Somebody to Love

  • joelbear

    Does the Watchtower own the maxim web site?


  • Eyebrow



    A sad, but poignant analogy.

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