Can someone provide the societys view on whether resurrected are not able to marry. It has been over 10 years since i was active and i at the time if i remember correctly the society said they would not. If anyone knows whether they flip floped on this either would be great. About 10 years ago a sister in my congregation died and that was when i learned that she could never remarry in the new system and would be more like a friend to her past husband. Seemed rather cold of Jehovah to make this a rule and it never sat well with me then. Scans of society articles would be great.
people resurrected not able to marry
by jennybear 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Seemed rather cold of Jehovah to make this a rule and it never sat well with me then.
Are you saying that you believe the WT actually relays the rules from Jehovah?
10 years ago, yes i did believe that the WT actually relayed the rules from Jehovah. I don't think i could have been an active jw and actually believed otherwise. Now i believe the opposite and am dissociated.
According to what I was told as a youngster, your vows are until death at which point you are no longer married. I dont know if that is the official watchtower party line.
According to what I was told as a youngster, your vows are until death at which point you are no longer married.
Actually, marriage as we have today, is a contract between two people and the STATE. You can call it "god" or whatever, but it is the STATE (and country) you live in that makes the rules about marriage.
I don't expect there will be 'states' in the new system. As a matter of fact Russell also referred to the new earth as a new Social Order.
There will be no need for humans to ever breed as we know it right now. TRANSGENICS will be the wave of the future. Take a look at the UGOBE website and you will see the plans to mix the genetics of humans, plants, and animals. It will be selective breeding. This is how there they will accomplish "no more illness and disease". Clones and genetic manipulation. New life forms through blending of the species.
This is an abomination. This is possibly what happened before the time of the flood.
actually the one thing that might get me back in the org is the new scrolls that open after armageddon....i think the logical conclusion of this matter is that there is an anti-type in paradise of the concubine arrangement of ancient isreal....since there were always more ment than women on would be great if the concubine arrangement is part of paradise!!!!.....see that is a great way around the "no marriage for the resurrected rule".......pretty good huh??..........oompa
Also, "no marriage" does not mean "no sex".'s supposed to be a Paradise of Pleasure!
If you read about was the birthplace of orgies. I would expect a return to Arcadian society would include the god Bacchus and all those earthly sensual delights.
No committment.
As far as I know, they have not changed this teaching recently.
The Society desires all persons who have been resurrected to submit to the FDS and clean up the earth. There's no time for hanky-panky.
The Society still maintains no marriage for resurrected ones. This teaching added to my questioning of the Society. I had an Aunt that died and within two years my Uncle remarried. I couldn't understand how according to the Society she would be the same person in every way as far as her memories after being resurrected and still be happy not having her husband anymore and him with another woman and this would be for eternity. Plus she could never marry herself. Just like you, I couldn't understand how a loving god could do this to people. It seemed so cruel.
Who cares if these future Doppelgängers of us can marry or not. Doesn't have anything at all to do with the originals.