I was just watching a DVD of "The Photo Drama of Creation". Charlie explains that Adam originally possessed both male and female qualities just like God, and that "humanity, when fully restored to the image and likeness of God, will reattain perfection of individuality - sex divisions will be no more."
people resurrected not able to marry
by jennybear 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
w87 6/1 pp. 30-31 Questions From Readers
" Is it wise for a Christian whose mate has died to remain single in the hope of being reunited in the future?
How fine it is that a Christian should feel love for his or her mate even after that one has died! Some in this situation have remained single, not because of being content with singleness, but in hopes of resuming the marriage after the resurrection. While not being insensitive to the human feelings behind those hopes, we encourage such ones to consider some Biblical points.
For instance, bearing on the matter are the apostle Paul’s words: "A wife is bound during all the time her husband is alive. But if her husband should fall asleep in death, she is free to be married to whom she wants, only in the Lord. But she is happier if she remains as she is." (1 Corinthians 7:39, 40) This shows that the marital bond ends when one’s mate dies. It was a kindness for God to inform Christians of this, for thus widows and widowers can weigh their emotional and other needs in deciding whether to remarry; they are not bound to the deceased.—1 Corinthians 7:8, 9......................
God’s goodness is reflected also in his informing us that the death of a mate concludes the marriage. (Romans 7:2) Thus anyone who has lost a mate can know that he or she is free to remarry now if that seems needed or best. Some have remarried, thereby helping to fill their own present needs and those of their family. (1 Corinthians 7:36-38; Ephesians 6:1-4) Consequently, a Christian whose mate has died should not feel obliged to remain mateless now out of an expectation that former marriage mates will be reunited in the resurrection to life here on earth in the coming system"
I know that is 21 years ago, but they do not discuss it much. I am sure that the stance has not changed
The Society teaches they won't remarry. On the other hand, at a recent WT study, there was a pic in the mag of an old man looking at a photo of a woman. A comment was made that he was "looking forward to seeing his wife again in the resurrection". So apparently the view of things changes depending on how sentimental you are at the moment. Here is the real reason the dead won't remarry- cuz they'll look like this:
According to what I was told as a youngster, your vows are until death at which point you are no longer married.
Actually, marriage as we have today, is a contract between two people and the STATE. You can call it "god" or whatever, but it is the STATE (and country) you live in that makes the rules about marriage.
You are correct but that is not what was asked. The original post asked what the official position of the WBTS is on the subject. Do try to keep up!
From what I understand, the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger interprets the parable of the person that goes through 7 spouses before dying, and which one would be the partner in the resurrection. The answer is that they would be like the angels in the resurrection, neither marrying nor being given in marriage. That washtowel article went on to explain that celibacy would be required in the resurrection--no remarriage.
Now, if only that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag could be dragged to the earth as a human that had strong sex desire, and no way of ever fulfilling them. In fact, the opposite sex would always flee from Him, no matter what He tried, and always hating Him even before they saw Him. I would like to see that Almighty Lowlife Scumbag have to live forever like that and see how He feels about it.
Just go to a google group alt.religion.jehovahs-witn and I wrote on this subject. Once you loacte my latst post there it is about sexual relations in the Paradise , try to retreive my earlier posts as well by clicking on " more options" and then on " find messages by this author .
By the way I know that according to Jehovah's Witnesses those who will be living on earth will be able to marry . Only those who will go to heaven will not be in physical marriages .
The point is that all saved humans will be able to have sexual intimacy in the Paradise in the marriages. Psalm 128 refutes the view hold by Jehovah's Witnesses . Each fearing God servant will be blesssed with wife and children.
Matthew 22.30 is a parable as per Matthew 13.11,34-35.
Just think how confusing it would be for those that had several mates..line them up and pick one?
Andd OOMP..you mean there is actually something that could make you go back?
And since I always had the theory that the Armageddeon was really just the nuclear bomb eventually going off it would make sense that some wouldn't have children afterwards...radiation would do that..see how smart I am...
Here is the real reason the dead won't remarry- cuz they'll look like this:
LOL ....
I think I read the real reason is that men will be smooth like the Ken doll.
Rub a Dub
I did a video on this. It seems this is the only thing that WT is open to interpretation on and doesn't have a set dogma. Some folks believe you won't be able to marry, others do. I guess it's fine either way as long as you're happy.
Personally if I died and my wife didn't and she somehow made it into paradise I would want to re-marry her. That wouldn't be paradise at all if you can't spend it with the one you love.
How fine it is that a Christian should feel love for his or her mate even after that one has died!
Cause gosh, you know, for any non-Christian, the love vanishes immediately upon the death of a mate. It's so surprising that Christians JWs still love their marriage mates, not just during their lives but (*gasp*) EVEN AFTER he or she has died, that we must underscore that fact with an exclamation point!! Wow!!!! Amazing!! Those pagan people with all those mourning customs that JWs are best to eschew, they know nothing about loving people even after they have died. BTW, what about those people Jehovah will massacre during Armageddon?
*** w54 7/15 p. 447 Questions from Readers ***
Today Jehovah’s witnesses sound a warning concerning the destruction of the “evil slave” and hypocritical religion and of all the wicked; but there is no general repentance and Armageddon will annihilate the evildoers. Armageddon survivors will not mourn the destruction of those Jehovah judges worthy of it.
*** w65 4/1 p. 212 Fulfilling the New Commandment of Love ***
Yes, today, with Armageddon staring us in the face, we must keep in mind the sobering thought that millions, even billions, of lives may shortly come to a swift and decisive end, putting their onetime owners beyond the reach of any expression of love on our part.
So if a JW has an UBM, be prepared to stop loving your mate even after he or she has died if slaughtered during Armageddon!!!!