This winter is not over but it has, so far, been brutal. In our part of the world we have seen weeks of sub-freezing temps and blizzards that have left us virtually isolated. We live very modestly, no 10,000 sq ft mansions, no private jets or limosines, but, none the less, we do what we can to speed up global warming.
In addition to exhaling CO2 we also drive our cars on fossil fuel and I try to barbecue with charcoal as often as possible. One thing I have been doing which seems cost effective is to burn a couple of quarts of old crankcase oil in a dish pan in the back yard. It takes about a cup of kerosene to get it going but it puts out a shitload of carbon and CO2. (I only do this at night so that the people who want to stay freezing cold don't get pissed off).
I know it will pay off when I start seeing my winter heating bills start to drop. Fuck the polar bears.