It's Snowing!!
by free2think 51 Replies latest jw friends
sweet pea
I hear it's gonna get a lot thicker than that Freety! You may not be able to go out the house in the morning.......
I hear it's gonna get a lot thicker than that Freety! You may not be able to go out the house in the morning.......
Thats what i heard too, its snowing quite hard now. I bet you might it over here now dont you Sweet pea........
Mickey mouse
It's been snowing here too. I love it, except when I have to drive in it.
I know waht you mean MM, im actually a lil bit worried about being hit with snowballs when i go out tomorrow lol. A few weeks ago some kids tried to egg me but it bounced off my 'girls', left a bruise tho.
some kids tried to egg me but it bounced off my 'girls'
I hope they're you're ok!
I hope they're you're ok!
Yes with a bit of tender loving care we are fine now. Thanks for your concern Watson.
now I know what your area looks like....I'm coming to steal your telly....he he
We need to watch them carefully. Physical therapy may be in order.
now I know what your area looks like....I'm coming to steal your telly....he he
LOL its too old and heavy. Actually yes please do i need a new one.........
We need to watch them carefully. Physical therapy may be in order.
Thats true, thank you for having my br best interests at heart.