Have we seen the last of the world's major religions?

by truthseeker 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Do you think that with global media and the internet that it would ever be possible for a new world religion to arise or a messiah of some sort?

    Christianity got its start in 33 A.D.

    Islam got its start in the seventh century.

    The most recent movements are the sects of Christianity, such as the Mormons and JWs which had their start in the latter half of the nineteenth century.

    Even Scientology which got it start in the 1950s began in an age where investiagtive journalism and global media coverage were not around to test Mr. Hubbards claims for truth.

    There will always be individuals who believe that they are the Messiah but I'm talking more along the lines of a religion that could get as big as Islam or Christianity.

  • Dogpatch

    Not a new question.

    Man is by far the most aggressive of the beasts, and his unusual intelligence guarantees an incredible amount of obfuscation and imagination available to carry out his agenda, which is universal domination. Since religion is man's most powerful tool, it is absurd to think he will no longer use it to his primal advantage. It has worked extremely well (read EVOLUTIONARILY SUCCESSFUL to his survival) in preserving his tribes thus far, and since man will never reach the point of gaining "absolute truth," he must use it to retain his control. No matter how high up the ladder of "intelligence" I climb, I would be a sucker to think that truth will finally turn man around to the point where we no longer have religion. No, we don't NEED religion, but alpha males will guarantee that it is used, nevertheless. Evolution! But not a happy ending for primal man.

    The Soviet Union was theoretically atheist. It collapsed because it had no real primal power. Iran, on the other hand, with its tribal religion and simple-headed leaders, will not disappear. Their religious energy is far too core.


  • ninja

    under the guise of saving the planet ...we are being subtly introduced to the new world religion based on earth/gaia worship.....so ....get down on your knees....all the time making sure you don't harm one blade of grass....if you do you're going to jail

  • ninja
  • ninja
  • aniron

    Do you think that with global media and the internet that it would ever be possible for a new world religion to arise or a messiah of some sort?

    Yes the Bible calls him the AntiChrist.

  • WTWizard

    It's time for two religions to dominate. Atheism and Devil worship.

  • BluesBrother
    a messiah of some sort?

    It is funny that a Google ad with a picture of Barack Obama appeared next to this post!

    But seriously, in answer to your question..I doubt it...Mankind today are, in the main too skeptical, too critical and informed , to be able to be universally swayed by a prophet.

    If a man came today, preaching good things he may be listened to, but if you heard of a man who could perform miracles, would you believe? I think we would be dismissive and assume he was a fraud.

  • Dogpatch

    It's time for two religions to dominate. Atheism and Devil worship.

    Never happen.

    Atheism has no intrinsic primal power. It's a blooper of the enlightenment. Cotton balls.

    Devil worship is a religion of predators, and requires prey, as in vampires. The prey must be sufficiently sedated (via religion) for the deception to work. "Evil" aka deceptive predation to a human, can only exist as a bloodsucker. No blood, no sucker!

    My 2 cents. :-))


  • Kinjiro

    If we go back to the beginning, we shall find that ignorance and fear created the gods; that fancy, enthusiasm, or deceit adorned them; that weakness worships them; that credulity preserves them and that custom, respect and tyranny support them in order to make the blindness of men serve their own interests. If the ignorance of nature gave birth to gods, the knowledge of nature is calculated to destroy them.

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