I have thought about this a lot recently. As a JW, did/do I really have "beliefs"?
How can a person have "beleifs" only to turn a page in a magazine - the same mag that tought them what they believe - and now completely change their "beliefs"?
Are they really beliefs? Do JW's have a belief system?
I have come to the conclusion that JW's do not have beliefs...... they have only loyalties.
This is compounded by the fact that likely 95% of JW's cannot answer a simple doctrinal question without doing research. Have you noticed that? Ask a question and they are told to reach for the handy-dandy quick answer book, the JW Coles notes on what they believe - the Reasoning Book.
Well I hope they dont get asked about the Generation, the RB still teaches the Generation of 1914 theory!
How can you not know what you "believe"? Dont you need to know something to believe it? NO BELIEF SYSTEM. ONLY LOYALTY TO THE WTS.
For any JW's lurking, ask yourself what you believe. What do you B-E-L-I-E-V-E ?Show me in the bible & only the bible what you believe, or explain it to me off the top of your head - you must be able to after all - you believe it!
Your answer may surprise you, it wont' surprise me. You think you believe you worship god, in fact you renew your vow of loyalty to the WTS at every meeting you attend. Perhaps at the next District Assembly you will listen to the actual words used in the "Vow" the audience takes more carefully before saying "Aye". Who are you really saying "Aye" to?
***w629/1p.533Christians—NotFollowersofMen***This tendency to follow men, even when one is claiming to worship God, is understandable but not excusable. Imperfect creatures are attracted to individuals who seem to be especially endowed with ability, knowledge, experience, prominence, wealth or some other gift such as a pleasing personality or voice
*** w569/15pp.547-548LearnHowtoLearnNo one can come to an accurate knowledge of the truth unless the teaching he receives actually leads to the truth. Jesus said there would be many false Christian teachers in these "last days." So the Christian who has learned how to learn will "make sure of all things." He will "keep testing whether" he has accurate knowledge and is "in the faith." This requires a willingness to examine what he has already learned to make sure that it is the right kind of teaching, that it is in harmony with the standard for accurate knowledge, the Bible.—1 Thess. 5:21; 2 Cor. 13:5, NW.
Even with the right teaching some are ever learning and never growing up. What is wrong? The Bible says: "The fool multiplies words" but "wise men store up knowledge."There may be too much talking. Some people just like to talk. They like to talk more than listen. If one spends more time multiplying words than storing up knowledge, such a person may be ever learning but "never able to come to an accurate knowledge of truth."Talk has its place; it must not be allowed to crowd out listening and diligent personal study
Oh if only you JW's knew what your organization actually teaches......