"Faith Based" Government Assistance & Jehovah's Witnesses

by minimus 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • sammielee24

    It is a common misconception that faith-based groups are not eligible to receive funding from the government. This simply is not true. The Faith-Based and Community Initiative passed by President Bush in the early years of his presidency has opened an array of government funding opportunities to faith-based organizations, and almost any faith-based group is eligible to receive federal funding.

    There are, however, two exceptions. Firstly, your organization cannot use government funds for an expressly religious purpose or to promote religion. This means, for example, that you could not use government money to purchase Bibles or to help fund your church’s new evangelism ministry. Secondly, you cannot limit, based on religion or any other criteria, who may participate in your program. For instance, if your church opens a soup kitchen each Saturday, but requires that anyone wishing to come and eat must then attend your church service on Sunday, you cannot receive government funding for that ministry. Otherwise, as long as your ministry is providing a service to your community without limiting who may participate, your faith-based group is eligible to receive government funding. So now you know your ministry can apply for federal funds.

    Twould be interesting to find out - there must be a way....sammieswife.

  • Elsewhere

    > There are, however, two exceptions. Firstly, your organization cannot use government funds for an expressly religious purpose or to promote religion.

    The problem is that religious people are prone to lying and deception. They will out-right lie about how the money is being used. These "faith based" operations are constantly being shut down due to them being found out to be fraudulent and violating the law.

    The more religious people are the less trustworthy they are. This is because they believe they are doing god's will and therefore it is "ok" to break "mans laws" in order to achieve "gods" goals.

    If these people were really working for gawd, they would find a gold brick on their desk every morning. Instead, the most powerful being in the universe is left begging for money from the government and lying to get it.

  • blondie

    The WTS found a way to get involved with the UN as an NGO....................those legal minds are crafty..........weren't the Pharisees, lawyers?

  • BizzyBee

    JWs will most likely not qualify for this funding.

    People who are suspicious of this don't understand how it works. Bush originally extended eligibility to churches to apply for federal grant funds and Obama's initiative expands on those opportunities. The funds are for services to the community that many churches are best able to provide such as day care, meals for the disadvantaged, etc. It does not fund strictly religious programs or the church itself.

    Given the criteria, JWs who give nothing to their communities, would not qualify for funding.

  • watson

    Given the criteria, JWs who give nothing to their communities, would not qualify for funding.

    Maybe we'll see some new theocratic programs for childcare, education and "community based" support.

  • purplesofa

    What are some examples of faith based programs? please!

  • Elsewhere

    > What are some examples of faith based programs? please!

    Charter Schools where kids learn that snakes can talk and that god faked the fossels in the ground to fool us.

    Feed The Homeless programs where you can't eat until you accept Jebus as your lord and savior.

  • purplesofa

    Is the Salvation Army, Red Cross?

  • Elsewhere

    Good question. I don't know if they receive funding from the US government, but they are both religious in nature.

    What's interesting is that JWs will not donate money to the Red Cross or the Salvation Army, but when they need assistance they are first in line!

  • purplesofa

    I guess I don't really understand "faith-based" programs.

    Are these programs that will not pay taxes and get money from the government as well?


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