Is it possible that we are ruining the earth?

by Bubblie 29 Replies latest jw friends

  • purplesofa


    What do you think of The Venus Project?

  • Gregor

    I don't have the pessimistic view that most of you seem to have. I think that humans have already turned the corner on rampant pollution. Even the "dirtiest" societies, like China and Russia, are seeing the simple, pragmatic benefit of cleaning up the air, soil and water and conserving natural resources.Not because they are "tree huggers" but because it is in their self interest. In the realm I control, my home and property, my waste and consumption, I use common sense and an appreciation for the environment, wildlife and thrift.

    I resent and mistrust those who put themselves in the position to tell everyone else how to live. These people are all organized by various organizations who have a financial ax to grind.

    The Green movement is a racket and a fad. I deal with it all the time in my occupation.

  • beksbks

    I have no desire to be argumentative (damn that hemp), but I look at it something along the lines of the "low fat" or "whole grain" craze. There is no denying that low fat and whole grain are indeed the healthiest way to go. But to imply that simply making something low fat while adding a buttload of sugar and chemicals, or a taste of whole grains makes something whole grain, is just foolishness. Obviously the consumer needs to be informed and have some sense, but to say the entire idea is a scam, is to cut your nose off to spite your face.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We have impacted the earth ecology. To deny that is pure blindness. But, does that mean we are heading the earth to ruin? Doesn't follow.

    I read green suggestions, and follow many of them. I believe it is an individual attention to the matter that matters most. Education about the problems, and individual application will help, and will put pressure on the big violators to change.

    Still - I don't think man is big enough to ruin the earth. He will wipe out his ability to live here perhaps, and then the earth will heal as it always has. I bet it was a beautiful place before man came, and it will be again when he has wiped himself out. But the earth itself is safe from puny man.


  • PrimateDave
  • PrimateDave

    George Carlin - Saving the Planet

    A longer version of the first video.

  • Gregor

    Thanks, Dave, that was perfect!

  • aligot ripounsous
    aligot ripounsous

    Wouldn't you think Jehovah would be very oppressive...especially if he allowed the likes of Watchtower bullies to run the show?


    I know all too well that this organization is oppressive and the last thing I want is living eternally under its rule, 30 years have been enough for me, thanks. The fact that they claim to represent Jehovah doesn't mean it's true. Now, in true JW way, I think that since Jehovah created a beautiful earth for mankind to live upon, He can't be oppressive but we can do little more than wait and see what He will do. I said I've hope, that doesn't imply having answers to so many question marks.

  • BizzyBee

    I don't think it is possible to "ruin" the earth as it does not have a "perfect" state. The earth is constantly changing.

    Good comment.

    I think we are "changing" the planet in ways that our great-great-grandchildren will not like. The things that we value most about the earth and our way of life - beauty, variety, abundance, convenience, cleanliness, choice - are being compromised.

  • Bubblie

    Hey Purple you have a pm. It is about the Venus Project. I love the idea. Not people would accept it. BizzyBee I agree. PrimateDave I love George Carlin. So sorry he died last year. I miss his humor I had no clue he did anything about this, it was well done. Can't say that I believe we can't do something as a nation to have and effect. As the Aussies on here if they are worried about the hole above them in the ozone? I know they are! It has to start somewhere, right?


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