Are you still in contact with his parole officer and had you told him that the parolee is dating a mother with a 10 year old child? I think the rules still apply.
As a JW were You Told to Not Report or Be Silent about Child Abuse ?
by flipper 34 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
In Port Arthur, TX there was a convicted child rapist in the congregation. No one was allowed to talk about it or tell anyone. It wasn't until after I disassociated that I did a search for the guy on the Registered Sex Offenders site that I found out what he did.
AgeGOC Time Disposition Date Discharge Status FEMALE 6 12Y 3/1/1989 NO PAROLE I also have a cousin who, I was told, molested several girls. I was told after I disassociated. I won't post his name because, as far as I know, he was never prosecuted or convicted.
Funny how thing come out in the light when you leave the WTS.
Wow. Thanks for all the replies. My heart goes out to each and every one of you.
MRS. JONES - Isn't it crazy ? A ministerial servant sexually abusing his two young daughters - and the whole congregation told to be quiet about it ! Sickening. No wonder so much child abuse goes on in the witnesses.
MISGUIDED- I'm so sorry you were abused sexually by 3 brothers . Just disgusting. And the fact you were told not to talk about it, and that the abuse was even denied is deplorable ! And wouldn't you know - one of the molesters ends up abusing even more sisters ! How many times have we heard that ? It shows what happen when the situation is ignored. The fact that one of these jerks was an attendant at an assembly - shows how little the WT society cares about protecting innocent children. About your grandfather committing child abuse even out in field service - just disgusting ! And that you were told not to say anything about it , ridiculous.
HOMEROVAH- I agree with you. People in the witness organization were complacent about reporting child abuse so as not to bring any alleged " reproach " on God's organization. In actuality it brings more reproach on God by ignoring child abuse ! But you are right. Witnesses were and are intimidated to not say anything by the use of fear tactics by the elders in the congrgations .
BIG TEX- I am truly horrified by the fact you were told by a circuit overseer to, " Shut up about this nonsense ( your child abuse ) or ( the circuit overseer ) will see to it personally that you would be disfellowshipped ! " It certainly shows these are " unjust " and " evil " shepherds in the Jehovah's Witness organization ! I'm so sorry this happened to you friend.
RED RED ROSE- I am glad that the father of the molested boys went ahead and pressed charges and the ministerial servant served 7 years in prison for committing the sexual abuse. I'm glad the father WAS NOT intimidated by the elders asking him to " consider dropping the charges ". Bastard elders. It's awful though that this man after getting out of prison married a woman with several small children. You are right - she probably was NOT told of his past . So the wheel of child abuse may very well continue because of this pedophile marrying a woman with children. That is scary as hell - and where many times the ball gets dropped due to a lack of caution by elders and others who should have informed this mother of these children.
KEYTEE- I have used that very scripture Romans 13 : 1,2 at my own door when witnesses, even elders have got into a discussion with me about child abuse in their organization. You and I must think alike - because that came to my mind as well - The WT society is breaking God's laws by not reporting child abuse to police authorities ! Very true.
ST. ANN- I am so sorry about your niece being abused by this witness man. If it wasn't for the school guidance counselor who called children's services - the abuse may have NEVER been discovered ! And naturally to cover their own sick reputation the elders tell the mother NOT to tell anyone in the congrgation about it. So how are innocent children supposed to be protected ? So nothing has been done about it because the abuser denies it ? Just disgusting. I do hope your niece is getting counseling or some kind of psychological help at present. Hang in there, take care
NO MORE KOOL AID - You are to be very much commended for your proactive efforts to keep track of this pedophile and that you warned families in your congregation about this molester , and that you contacted his probation officer explaining the rules of the JW cult in how they go out in service and meetings , thus enabling pedophiles to have even more access to possibly molesting children ! And once again here we see a pedophile , being allowed to date a sister with a 10 year old child, even AFTER serving prison time for child abuse ! Incredible. So the elders told you to " stay out of it " once you voiced your concerns about this child molester ? That sounds pretty typical on the elders part. They show more concern about the reputation of the congrgation than the saving of children from getting molested ! It's disgusting. You are right - the pedophiles know HOW MUCH they can get away with - so they continue to push and create their OWN rules and boundaries. The pedophiles really CONTROL the elders !
MRS> JONES - Good suggestion to No More Kool Aid tell the parole officer that the man is dating a woman with a 10 year old daughter .
ELSEWHERE- Typical that no one was allowed to talk about the child rapist in the congregation. After I left the witness cult I too got online to read " Megan's Law " in California here to see if any ex-witnesses were known sexual offenders on the list in my home town I was raised in for years. Out of about 1,000 names - I recognized 10 former witnesses that I knew in my 25 years who were sexual predators on the list in my hometown ! Crazy. It's getting to the point of asking are there ANY congrgations who DON't have pedophiles ! ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Yes, we had a case in my old cong in Connecticut. It was incest between a brother and his little sister. I think she was around 8 and he was a teen. We were told to keep our mouths shut because Jehovah will take care of it in his due time.
no more kool aid
Mrs Jones, I don't hear much about this guy anymore because I don't go to meetings. While this is something I used to discuss with my parents and a few close friends at the hall, they don't anymore because they don't want to "upset"me. They think if I just become "less upset" I will come back. But what is funny is that my parents and friends are not begging me come back, I think they know that issues like this that really bother me have only gotten worse in the last 8 months. Yes I did let the parole officer know about the child of his girl friend. I am sure it will all be better now that he is a good witness. Oh I forgot he was a good little witness when all of this started!
MEGAFLOWER- So typical. How sad you were told and others to not talk of this teenager molesting his sister. Told to " keep your mouths shut " by the elders. How can " Jehovah " fix this problem like they say - when they allow no one to talk about it ? Ridiculous.
NO MORE KOOL AID- My parents are like yours - they never try to get me back in the witnesses because they know I'm so pissed off about the child abuse issues in the witness cult. But like you my " being upset " at the organization and how they allow young people to be abused will never subside. I won't lose my anger over that anytime soon, if ever. I've got a justice streak a mile long
We have two pedophiles in my hall. Long story on how I found out. I am not allowed to tell anyone. I did write to Bethel and ask them why and how this can happen. You guessed it no real anwer came back. What I wrote is I can understand what Paul meant at 1 Cor 6:9-11 I can understand that people can come from really bad backgrouds and with the help of Jehovah make huge changes.
But with pedophiles it scares me. Like an alcoholic who wanted to serve Jehovah would not buy a liquor store to live in and come to all the meetings with an open bottle of booze in his bocket. A chain smoker would likewise not live with tlbacco and carry around a pack of cigaretts in his pocket. If a brother or sister did that the elders would never believe that the person was truly trying to change, and going out in field service would not even be a question. Yet with a pedophile a person can do that because it is his family. We somehow look at it differently. The problem is that it is a worse crime than somking or drinking could ever be.
This one peodophile has been able to find three sisters to marry him two had small children. It is a long story and I have faught and am still fignting to make sure but what do I know. This pedophile was D'fed when he left the one woman but he found sister throwing themselfs at him to marry him.
I live with the valied threat of being D'ed if I tell anyone he is a pedophile and I am an elders wife.
Yesterday this pedophiles wife and him threw a baby shower how sweet was that. I was there waiting to take pictures if he touched the baby but he did'nt of course not. I was going to tell the baby's parents but I found out they already know and they fell he is cured. I did tell one mom of a three year old girl and she went right to the elders with what I had said and I got into trouble for cause divisions in the hall and this mom after that let her child sit with the pedophiles family.
Wittness want to be blind to the facts. They do not want to see it. I just can not believe it.
VERY STUPID 77 - Hello Very. We are friends, and my wife and I are honored to be called your friends. And to call you such as well. As we have talked - it is a great thing you are doing to expose the pedophiles in your congregation , and you are a very courageous person to accomplish what you are in protecting the innocent children who - actually have NO CONTROL over what some idiotic adults in their families and lives fail to do to protect them from possible harm ! I know it's frustrating for you - but just know you are dealing with people who have been " mind controlled " to falsely believe the elders and other fellow " Christians " have the best interests of the welfare of these children at heart. Not true. What interests the elders and others around you in the knigdom hall have is this - Making sure that NOTHING brings reproach on the outward appearance of the congregation , whether to outsiders, or to rank and file witnesses on the inside ! They have to live in their false dreamworld of " imaginary bubble of protection " because it makes them avoid the REAL TRUTH and avoid the FACTS in what's happening. In actuality they need to be forced to be AUTHENTIC - so they don't cover over felonious crimes like child abuse ! Hang in there, you are doing good. Take care, Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Just wanted to bump this up before I go to work all night for any who might want to reply. Thanks , Peace out, Mr. Flipper