Entertaining Angels

by cameo-d 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cameo-d

    Angels drinking blood -- even weirder. If they're spirits, how could they drink the blood to begin with -- they don't have mouths.

    How can they blow trumpets if they don't have mouths?

    How can they mate with women if they don't materialize?

    Something had to give them the power to materialize because they could not do any of these things in their invisible spiritual state.

    So you tell me.

    Why is BLOOD such an important issue in ALL biblical scripture?

    Is it blood that makes us mortal?

    Were Adam and Eve created as immortals until they were tricked into partaking of a substance that made them mortal?

    Is the symbolism of the apple the fact that it is blood red?

    Vampires drink blood and also fly. Where did that idea come from?

    Where do these Ancient societies of rosae+cross fit in?

  • parakeet

    cameo wote:

    1. "Do you think it's possible that they exist by another name? Like, oh I don't know...maybe....aliens? Or ET's? Or "Advanced Beings"? A rose by another name?

    2. "How can they blow trumpets if they don't have mouths?

    3. "How can they mate with women if they don't materialize?

    4. "Something had to give them the power to materialize because they could not do any of these things in their invisible spiritual state.

    5. "So you tell me."

    6. "Vampires drink blood and also fly. Where did that idea come from?"

    1. No.

    2. Don't know. Never saw one. Don't believe they exist.

    3. See answer #2.

    4. Don't believe such a powerful being exists. Also see answer #2.

    5. I am.

    6. I surely hope you're talking about vampire bats in Central America. If not, see Answer #2.

  • Quandry

    I wonder what an "if-Jesus-drops-in-for-dinner" kit would contain -- foot-washing equipment, casual clothes so he would "blend," unleavened bread.

    Parakeet, that was hilarious!!!!

  • cameo-d

    I wonder what an "if-Jesus-drops-in-for-dinner" kit would contain -- foot-washing equipment, casual clothes so he would "blend," unleavened bread.

    Parakeet, that was hilarious!!!!

    Parakeet...you do keep me in stitches. You are a mind bender yourself.

    But what if a blood drinking angel drops in? Do you think I should serve V-8?

  • caliber
    Witchettygrub: "It (WT) says the angels materialized or 'put on' a body like our own."
    Does WT have an explanation for HOW they were able to transform?
    Did they have to drink blood to become human; after all, the life is in the blood.
    Do you think that's why people had to give so many blood sacrifices? Maybe the angels were drinking the blood so they could transform?

    Life is in the blood simply means that if you drain the blood life is gone.. just a Doctors consider you dead when there's no

    brain activity (Brain dead) according to most..... means no life..... no life without brain activity. Too literal a rending of any statement

    is dangerous and misleading . Poetic and symbolic metaphors are part of language not just matter of fact statements !

    There is no mention of them being gigantic or having wings

    On angels having wings, see: Exodus 25:20, 1 Kings 8:6-8, Psalm 18:10, Isaiah 6:20, Ezekiel 1:5-11, 23-25, 10:5, 8, 12, 16, 19. Angels are often depicted as flying, cf. Revelation 14:6.

    If wings are always seen a literal rather than representing some sort of divine approval or figurative meaning.. does that mean

    that those with crowns in heaven is also to be taken literal not Representative of something else such a power or rulership ?


  • parakeet

    cameo-d: "But what if a blood drinking angel drops in? Do you think I should serve V-8?"

    Carnivores generally don't like vegan food (I speak from my own experience). If an angel ever dropped in for dinner at my house, first I'd want to know what he wanted. They usually don't bring good news -- Sodom and Gomorrah, Jonah and the "fish," even Mary. I wouldn't want get pregnant without the fun that precedes it. The angels that appeared to shepherds at Jesus' birth scared the hell out of them.

    If he turned out to be an OK angel, maybe I'd serve him a juicy, rare steak off the grill. Or maybe just give it to him raw.

  • cameo-d

    A bit off-topic...but since we are talking about blood...I was thinking about the scripture "flesh and blood cannot enter the kingdom of heaven" and I found this little interesting tidbit. Just wondering what some of you think of this....

    In Luke 24:39 The Disciples are terrified thinking they saw a Ghost. Jesus calms them down and said, “I am not a spirit but I have flesh and bone

    (not blood, so here is the answer to flesh and blood not able to enter heaven). One thing that is clear is that it was not because he did not have a

    body. He had the same scars in His hands and feet proving His fulfillment of the prophecy that He would raise up His body from the grave (John

    2:19-22). A spirit does not scar. He shows them the scars saying it is I, myself. He then eats with them to prove it.

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