New BOE letter re: parents permitting fornication

by sir82 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • DT

    For some reason I can't see all the posts. I apologise if I'm repeating comments.

    I find this to be very disturbing. It sets some dangerous precedents and contains enough vague language to encourage serious abuses.

    There are too many unanswered questions. What do they mean by allowing someone to practice fornication? It sounds as if just allowing someone to live in your home makes you guilty if they practice fornication. What if the family member is a minor or parent who needs care? How are you supposed to stop them if you discover them in the act? The only Biblical precedent I can think of is to kill them with a spear like Phinehas did.

    Why should this be limited to fornication? Will they apply these principles to all JW beliefs in the future? It seems like they could be coming up with excuses to avoid taking care of needy, unbelieving parents or unbelieving children beyond the time required by law. If JW's can be held accountable for the acts of unbelieving family members, then we can expect that many will become even more abusive in trying to impose their religion on their family.

    What if a family member accepts a blood transfusion? Would a JW have to evict them during their recovery to avoid the appearance of condoning the choice? Why should a blood transfusion be treated differently than fornication? It's an even more serious sin in JW land.

    What if an unbelieving family member is paying rent? Will the governing body clarify what exactly they mean be living in your home? Would renting a room make the JW accountable for the relatives actions, but would they be viewed as innocent if the family member rents an apartment in the same home with a separate entrance. Will JW's be allowed to rent to any nonbeliever who might do something wrong? Will they be barred from running hotels because this could be viewed as allowing people to practice fornication?

    The governing body will have to clarify these issues if they don't want local elders to take their counsel to extremes. If they come up with more rules, there will be even more unanswered questions. It's a dangerous and slippery slope.

    They seem to have really crossed a line with this letter. They are going well beyond abusing their own members. They are encouraging the imposition of their beliefs on people who choose not be JW's. This makes them a threat to society in general and could have legal consequences. I think it would be relevant in child custody cases. The judges need to know that the children will be punished by shunning if they break the rules or leave the JW religion. Even then, they will be pressured to live up to JW standards of morality by parents who will themselves be punished if they don't enforce their beliefs on their unbelieving children.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies

    I think some of you are blowing this into something way bigger than it is.

    If you are living under someone else's roof then they have some say in what goes on their home. I don't allow people to smoke in my house, its my house and its my rules.

    This is not a exclusive to JWs either. There are still plenty of parents who would not allow their children to share a bedroom with ther boy/girl friend when they visit.

    No Apologies

  • Iwonder17

    MARJORIE !!!!

    You are 100% correct about the child abuse question

  • Scully


    There are a few JW hypocrites of my acquaintance who shun non-DFd family members simply because they are no longer Activeâ„¢ JWs, while at the same time other non-baptized-but-raised-JW family members in unmarried-but-sexually-active relationships are allowed to live in their home (albeit not with the partner). They don't even have to pay rent.

    It's about time the hypocrites were shown for exactly what they are.

  • mrsjones5

    Yep, it's time for equal opportunity shunning.

  • IP_SEC
    1) Must be a growing problem if it elicits a BOE letter with such explicit examples and directions

    Naw they just dont want to address the real problems so they make up BS to talk about.

  • stillajwexelder
  • independent_tre

    Do they EVER get tired of trying to micromanage people's lives?? ?? You would think the elders have their hands full already.

  • yknot

    In light of the continuing economic downturn, many adult children are moving back to mom's and dads.

    I have seen most of my peer group return in the last 18 months, all lived with parents for at least 2 weeks.

    Since the JWs only have 37% retainage rate this mean majority are 'unbelievers' or worse....DF/DA!

    So ''evidently'' some JW parents have allowed a boyfriend or girlfriend to move in too & have turned a blind eye (ear).

    Since we don't have the full letter ........ I can only raise objections on behalf of those of us with UMBs.

    DT also brings up some valid points regarding if the fornicator paying toward rent.


    Corinthians4:6) . . ."Do not go beyond the things that are written,". . .

  • truthsetsonefree

    Actually this is fairly big. To disfellowship someone for fornication going on in their home, especially when they are not telling the parties to fornicate is unprecedented as far as I know. WT gets more controlling with each passing year.


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