Feb.1,2009 WT

by bobld 17 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • bobld

    Does God have a name.In the Watchtower "A person may be called Sir,Boss,Dad,or Grandpa,

    depending on the circumatances.But his personal name reminds us of everything we know

    about him." They try to incorportrate this illustration with the importance of God's name.

    "How can you really know God without knowing his name?It is important not only to know but

    also to use that name."Than they quote John 4:23,John 14;6,John17;3 and Luke 10;22. in

    each of those scriptures Jesus referred to God as Father.

    When I call my Grandpa..Grandpa or my Dad-- Dad it reflects my personal relationship with

    them.At family get togethers,be it Xmas,Easter,family re-unions we all refer to Grandpa/Ma or

    Dad/ Mom.They did this or that and the many things.Grandpa/ma have been gone for

    over 50yrs and Mom/Dad over 30yrs.After all this time we still refer to them as Grandpa etc.

    And not as Grandpa B.Smith or Dad J.Smith.Just imagine around the Xmas table asking

    Mr.B.Smith please pass the butter,Mr J.Smith please pass the bread instead of saying

    Grandpa/Dad.Does using a name tell, if a persons knows something about him?Also

    even with work mates we always refer to our parents as Mom/Dad and the know

    who we are talking about and likewise when they talk about their parents as Mom/Dad

    we know who they are talking about.What did Jesus say?"Our Father........" Yes a very

    personal relationship with his Dad.

    Sorry for the double space and the rant.


  • truthsetsonefree

    Funny you mention this. As a dub I never really thought about this. But NOBODY in any culture I have ever run into thinks its respectfull to call parents or grandparents by their first name. Ever. Funny that the JW's main argument for respecting God's name is so totally specious. To put this bluntly Rutherford was an ass, and not just about 1925!

    Isaac Carmignani

  • passwordprotected

    I've spoken to my parents about this and about how I pray to my Father in Heaven, as per Jesus direct instruction. I've tried to illustrate it thus; if my son were to come into a room full of men and shout 'dad', I'd know his voice and answer him. He knows me and I know him. He wouldn't in a million years come into the room and shout on my by my given name.

    It's been pointed out to me by an active JW that it's imperative to use the name Jehovah in prayer as there are "thousands of gods out there, how do you know which one you're praying to?"*. Of course, the answer to this comes from Jesus himself. He said that we pray - or approach or go to the Father - in HIS name. The only name that it's important to use in prayer is the name Jesus as it's through His name we can approach the person of God.

    *this is a bizarre statement, IMO. The Bible shows that false gods can neither hear nor answer prayer. So who are these thousands of other gods that are trying to eavesdrop/intercept our prayers? Do JWs not believe Jesus' words that asking anything in His name will be heard and answered?

  • besty
    It's been pointed out to me by an active JW that it's imperative to use the name Jehovah in prayer as there are "thousands of gods out there, how do you know which one you're praying to?"

    there is a few of them out there taking into account time and geography

  • JimmyPage

    Wow. Great point.

  • passwordprotected

    @ besty; I hear you, but we're taking this from the viewpoint of professed Christians who believe the Bible when it says there's "only one, true God". ;-)

  • tenyearsafter

    This is an excellent post...and a thought provoking one. I would take it a step further and submit that not only would it be against the social norm to refer to your parents by their first names, it would be considered DISRESPECTFUL! I know that my father would have been appalled if I called him by his first name instead of Dad. If I want to piss my Mom off, I call her by her first name (sorry Mom!). The use of someone's name is very important in identifying them, but doesn't in and of itself indicate a "relationship". After all, Satan used God's name and he could hardly be considered as honoring God or having a close relationship with him.

  • Trevor Scott
    Trevor Scott

    There is no scriptural basis for using the made up word "Jehovah" in prayer. Even if "Jehovah" was the actual name of God and not a made up word there would still be no scriptural basis for using it.

    This isn't a gray area. Jesus was asked outright by his followers how they ought to pray:

    One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples." (Luke 11:1)

    If praying using a personal name for God was crucial as the WTS contends then obviously Jesus would have instructed his disciples to use it. Instead, Jesus told his disciples to pray to God as "Father":

    He said to them, "When you pray, say: 'Father, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.' " (Luke 11:2-4)

  • oompa

    Which is why i went nuts when WT said this....check out the caption under the pic of jesus....ask ANY DUB to PLEASE show you a scripture where jesus does this!!!!......they can just frikkin make shit up and the dubs buy it....no questions asked..........oompa


  • isaacaustin

    It's been pointed out to me by an active JW that it's imperative to use the name Jehovah in prayer as there are "thousands of gods out there, how do you know which one you're praying to?"*. Of course, the answer to this comes from Jesus himself. He said that we pray - or approach or go to the Father - in HIS name. The only name that it's important to use in prayer is the name Jesus as it's through His name we can approach the person of God. *this is a bizarre statement, IMO. The Bible shows that false gods can neither hear nor answer prayer. So who are these thousands of other gods that are trying to eavesdrop/intercept our prayers? Do JWs not believe Jesus' words that asking anything in His name will be heard and answered? Passwordprotected, this shows how JWs do not indeed have a relationship with Jesus nor do they trust his words. Why else would they disregard his clear words and fear gods that the Bible plainly states can not hear? And even if they could, what could they do? that would be my question to a witness.

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