How many JW's are over emotional?
by wobble 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Hit the wrong button again,so posted a blanko,and I'm sober(Ish) at the moment!
What I wanted to ask was something coming off the back of a comment by"Tenyearsafter" on another thread.
The point was made that many Dubs are in for emotional reasons,so all the proof you give them dosn't matter,scriptural,factual,whatever.
So my questions are,how many as a percentage does this apply to? and,how on earth are we to combat this purely emotional thing?
I have noticed twice recently with relatives that as they lose the scriptural and logic argument they fall back on "Look at how many people are happier now they are Dubs" or "I still feel it is the best way of life"
So what to do to help them out?
hey wobble you may be interested in hope4others thought experiment thread because that also has to do with emotion/reason
Just wait until they have been in about a year. Like when the hounders hound them to pio-sneer, they give it a try, and they are dog tired in the middle of January. Let's see how happy they are then.
It's not just the JW that use the same reasoning in staying in a religion, they say "It's the best way to live".
Born again, Mormons, and anyone that are truly serious in serving their God and cannot prove what they beleive
uses that reasoning to deceive themselves, not wanting to look like fools in spending so much time
in serving a "GOD".
Yes. A few are drama queens/kings
I know one guy-good friend/ was a good friend ? kinda in the middle...nevertheless, make a long story short, had a conversation about a week, week and a half ago, and he told me he's is really scared for me and he woke up that morning and PRAYED and asked jehovah how he could help me, that sometimes he wants to shake me and take me to the hall. I found it corny and extremely annoying and infuriating at the same what the hell ? I felt he was patting himself on the back as if doing some great thing.
This guy is bright, he has his own business, and prob brings home about 150k a year, I've personally seen some of the money he makes, and his 'material' things. Lately I find myself wondering how a person can be so bright and and successful business wise, yet not see the WT for what it is ?????????
When we talk and he asks me about why I miss service,meetings, etc so much....I always say I see things for what they are...those are my exact words. I'm hoping he'll pick up on what I'm saying. He went through a life-changing period much like I did in 06/07 when I was sick and had a chance to step back without the rose glasses, but he is now head of a dept in one of our never ending relief jobs down here in Texas due to Hurricanes and I think that bit of power has re-energized him with da troof, plus he's a regular pioneer. The thing that bothers me is I pioneered when the hours were 90 and did it the hard way ( don't know why, lol )
As head of the Dept, he does little, sooooo he spends LOTS of time there, and counts it towards his hours. Like stealing to me.
John Doe
I have noticed twice recently with relatives that as they lose the scriptural and logic argument they fall back on "Look at how many people are happier now they are Dubs" or "I still feel it is the best way of life"
So what to do to help them out?
Since when has any good ever come of helping someone out with their personal doctrinal beliefs? Your entire premise is flawed--that is that we should enforce our beliefs on others.
It seems to me that one of the agendas of the WT is to freeze the emotions of JWs...period.
When they can obey a dictate to throw their own families under the train for simply asking doctrinal questions and being labeled "unsuitable" (defective for mind control) or "apostate"..... then they are being trained to become emotion-less.
To follow blindly and give up reasoning skills is a training to make you become brain-dead.
When the mind is gone, the emotions follow suit.
Homerovah the Almighty
Thats a good explanation Cameo, but it has to be noticed that JWS are at times over emotional on many things and in many situations,
because they are constantly being put under a magnifying glass themselves and they are instilled with all of the many evils and worldly things
that are supposedly around them.
This in itself creates and promotes a judgmental attitude on just about everything, particularly in the way they conduct and express themselves. .
Over emotional to what? Challenges to their religion?
Remember that many of them gave their lives to the religion. Their hopes, their dreams, their retirement, their prospects for marriage and children, their having a better life for themselves and their families, being part of their natural family's life, their old friends, and great many more.
The idea that they made a grave lifelong mistake - and that have and are encouraging others into that same grave mistake - will result in an over emotional protectional response.