Do you think this current economic crisus is a sign of the end of the world for a dubber? I would bet tomorrows rent money that they are already preacing the end is neigh at the halls.
The current economic crisus a sign of the end to a dubber
by dogon 24 Replies latest jw experiences
yep, they like bad news.
Homerovah the Almighty
Its definitely on the table for some of them, remember this is an apocalyptic religious cult .
I suppose it depends on what you think "the end" is.
JWs believe a Paradise can be had once the destruction of our economies and governments take place.
Ah, yes, the grass is always greener....
The scriptures tell us that this this change (or 'destruction of Babylon" in JW speak) will happen and that another deception will take its place before it's truly all over.
The scriptures also say that this physical earth will burn up and be destroyed.
I do not believe in "the Paradise". Even Jesus said you cannot put new wine in old skins. Jesus will come back for us and we will be taken to a new place.
This current crisis is just the beginning of the "great tribulation" that is about to come upon us. When things get bad enough, (remember all this
has been planned for the purpose of the Illuminated ones...the Luciferian "Sons of God" who will then come forth with new ideas of
"enlightenment" to implement the new system/nwo) .... people will primed to accept the new ideas of "salvation".
These ideas may spew doctrine like "we can all be sons of god when we attain perfection. The kingdom of god is within you. We all have the
capability to become gods."
How soon the JWs forget about the Great Depression and the Great War (WWI.... then WWII). Even while everyone is talking about them right now.
Yes, things are bad but not nearly as bad as they have been in the past.
Keep in mind that today a house is condemned if it does not have electricity and running water. Both were considered high-end luxuries in 1914. Bad as things might be, we are still a hell of a lot better off than in 1914.
wha happened?
Well the recession in '74 likely fanned the fire when it came to 1975. I hear it now about the current recession and how close it must be. It's funny because one JW in particular goes on about how we're so close, and then asks me in the same conversation whether it would be a good time to buy a house now
these guys were saying things were bad:
50 years ago
40 years ago
30 years ago
20 years ago
10 years ago
and now.
I remember my study conductor teliing us during the weekly book study "look the berlin wall is falling, any second the end will come"
no matter how bad things are, humanity has seen far worse. I would not trade this time with any other time in hystory. Try living in the way things were!
Shit, all you need is a new president to get them excited. They've got all the bases covered. If things are peaceful and secure, then "sudden destruction" is instantly upon us. If there are wars and unrest, then it's a sign of the end. Ad infinitum.
Homerovah the Almighty
The reason religious cults like the JWS and others like them pull whatever bad and disastrous things that happen around the
world is that it brings a sense of viability to their proclamations and their structured doctrines.
I would very surprised if they didn't use this economic recession to their advantage and exploit it for what its worth..
no more kool aid
This is an argument I have with my parents all the time. "Oh the end must be here, just look at our retirement accounts"! I agree we have all taken a hit but there is food on the table, a roof over our heads, adequate health care and they by the way they will be wintering where it is warm, dad retired early and mom never worked. But they think it is soooo bad that it must be the beginning of the end. I think folks that lived through the depression would have called their life a literal picnic! Let's not forget about the poor orphaned 10 year old in Africa that is taking care of two younger siblings living in a card board box, I bet he and all the ones before him thought this was the end. But no, your little retirement account dip means the apocalypse.