they must certainly believe the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse are riding dogon......that is why they think the end is "neigh"....he he
The current economic crisus a sign of the end to a dubber
by dogon 24 Replies latest jw experiences
I was a bit surprised to read some pre 1914 wt's lately that spoke of how AWFUL things were! WT quotes scholars as to how incredibly peacful an wonderful it was prior to 1914....hipocrites.............oompa
I'm sure when I visit my JW mother again, the economy will be the latest gloom and doom subject she'll want to talk about. I'm thinking about previous years and the various incidents that she gloomed and doomed about -- AIDS, the Berlin wall coming down, two summers of moderate drought, the record snowfall in 1996, the Ebola virus, 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq. I don't think she's had one truly happy day since she joined that cult.
Homerovah the Almighty
Maybe JWS need to skip back a few hundred years and experience what it was like living in medieval times .
There was the black plague, a lot of wars, famine, pestilence, greed, lawlessness, earthquakes, floods, a life expectancy
that was @20 less than it is now.... and on and on .......
Maybe then they might reevaluate their thinking is this really " The End Times " ? as prophesied in the bible.
The WTS cult masters have it all wired.
"When they say Peace and Security...etc" That's good almost anytime.
terrorism/ wars
tsunamis (earthquake)
promiscuity/ homosexuality
etc etc etc
they can't lose with gullible cult memebers. A big shell game.
if history repeats itself, the human race will go extinct at some point. People, we are living in the happy times right now.
Brother Gerrit Losch of the Governing Body said in the talk "What the near future holds"
given in 2008, "peace and security" could be the nations saying that they have achieved it
OR because the world is so bad, people of the world are begging for "peace and security".
The part about hoping to "live long enough to SEE it", remember that some of the anointed
must still be on the earth when the Great Tribulation begins. Those brother and sisters are
getting very old, and you are still young.Yup! just look to the governing body. But notice this person missed the point about some being chosen since 35 and they wouldn't be all that old. Sooo, maybe there is lots of time.
I think there is a long way to go yet.
WT has more mileage to play.
According to the Book of the Bee, all of these things must happen before the end comes.
At the end of the world and at the final consummation, when men are eating and drinking and marrying wives, and women are given to husbands;
when they are planting vineyards and building buildings, and there is neither wicked man nor p. 129 adversary, on account of the assured
tranquillity and certain peace; suddenly the gates of the north shall be opened and the hosts of the nations that are imprisoned there shall go
The whole earth shall tremble before them, and men shall flee and take refuge in the mountains and in caves and in burial places and in clefts
of the earth; and they shall die of hunger; and there will be none to bury them, by reason of the multitude of afflictions which they will make men
They will eat the flesh of men and drink the blood of animals; they will devour the creeping things of the earth, and hunt for serpents and
scorpions and reptiles that shoot out venom, and eat them. They will eat dead dogs and cats1, and the abortions of women with the after-birth;
they will give mothers the bodies of their children to cook, and they will eat them before them without shame. They will destroy the earth, and
there will be none able to stand before them.
After one week of that sore affliction, they will all be destroyed in the plain of Joppa, for thither will all those (people) be gathered together, with
their wives and their sons and their daughters; and by the command of God one of the hosts of the angels will descend and will destroy them in
one moment.
(and then, the Anti-christ comes!!!! rather anti-climatic, if you ask me.)
I N a week and half a week4 after the destruction of these wretches shall the son of destruction appear.
The current "crisis" is nothing. Nothing more than a bunch of wusses that cannot handle a speed bump, plus the media playing it up. Certainly nothing like they were during the First Dark Ages--if people in the First Dark Ages were to get planted in today's "crisis", they would actually celebrate.
However, that doesn't mean trouble won't brew. The media is being used by the One World Government to make a whopper of a crisis out of a moderate recession. Once people believe that we are in for a huge crash (which they themselves are helping engineer), they are ready to assume control of this country. And then the real crisis will begin. Totalitarian control of the whole world will begin, and no one will have any freedom. We will become their property, and if we are lucky we will all have to go to some mainstream Christian or Muslim religion. If we are lucky. It is wholly possible that the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger of Jehovah's Witlesses will get their foot in the door and assume control--then we will all have to be Jehovah's Witlesses with severe penalties for those who break any of the rules.
And then we will all be in the Second Dark Ages--a creation of man, not of Satan.
"Oh the end must be here, just look at our retirement accounts"! --- hmm, they didn't have much faith in the 'end is near' before why now? why would they have a retirement acct when the end was so near?