After reading parts of You can live forever in paradise on earth P.159 and Survival into a new earth p.31.
Note, ever JW I cane across never heard of Survival into a new earth. Here is what I have come up with.
You can live forever in paradise states, faithful JW will have to clean up the mess after the big A. this means
they will have the privilage of cleaning up the earth. This means clearing away all the ruins and getting rid of
6 billion + bodies. This means that for 1000 years all they will be is ditch diggers and grave diggers. JW states
that this will be joyful work.So when they show up a KH they will be handed a shovel and a hard hat.
A person like me who will die before the big A will have a piece of cake. There books also teach that those who
die before the big A will be reseracted and it wil be the job of the JW to provide food, clothing and housing for
the newly resurrected non-JW. They will also be required to provide the physical necessities. What ever that means.
So I will be sitting in frount of the fire place eating cookies.