I disagree. I think many JWs became JWs because they thought they wouldn't die. Face it: nobody wants to die. When a religion teaches you that you will never die, that's quite an attraction.
The Reason Why Jehovah's Witnesses Have No Real Hope
by minimus 45 Replies latest jw friends
Minimus.."When a religion teaches you that you will never die, that's quite an attraction."...............Your right about that!..The WBT$ has been Peddling that Empty Promise for over 100years..And..It`s still a Saleable Item!..LOL!!................If your talking about the generation of 1914 I think many of them would be pissed..But..They will all be gone soon............!914 will have never happened eventually..It will be another none issue while waiting for the New System..........Did you know it`s just around the corner?..LOL!!......................................OUTLAW
Time heals many wounds.
My mom is one of the JWs that hasn't caught on to the generation change(in fact, I think she missed a couple of the interim changes). She is still assuming that the generation of 1914 won't die out before Armageddon and I think she is going on the assumption that she can outlast them. Which, being 65, she can. The furthest reaches of the 1914 generation are 93 years old now. She figures if she can hold out til 85, she's a shoe in. Or something!
My mom is one of the JWs that hasn't caught on to the generation change(in fact, I think she missed a couple of the interim changes). She is still assuming that the generation of 1914 won't die out before Armageddon and I think she is going on the assumption that she can outlast them. Which, being 65, she can. The furthest reaches of the 1914 generation are 93 years old now. She figures if she can hold out til 85, she's a shoe in. Or something!
I was a real dope for entertaining such a hope at one time....sigh.
Well, mom isn't paying any attention for the last decade plus.
I can remember an old friend who was in her late 80's. She always wanted to see the end. I just found out she is still alive but a friend who helped me out with appropriate clothes for the meetings. (I was a former hippie so just had weird stuff.) Anyway, my former friend Jeri just died and she was only 61. She died not knowing. Sent her a letter but no response, when I left. Some that are still in refuse to believe the end isn't just around the corner. Even, when you make it a joke!
But deep down inside, they know.
What I find interesting is when I ask someone, "What will you think when 20 more years pass and we are still here"
They will say, "It's closer han ever"
Then I say "What will you think when 40 more years pass and we are still here"
It eventually downs on them and they get a strange look on their face as they start to think ahead and WHAT REALLY WOULD HAPPEN IF THEY ARE STILL ALIVE
You can see their world crashing in on them