Any takers?
How many here have been affeted by the economy and how?
by Quirky1 20 Replies latest jw friends
Got laid off, now working part time. Huge pay cut.
Probably 1/3 or more of my net worth is gone.
I'm expecting to get laid off in the spring. Frankly, I need a break anyways. I work way too much.
troubled mind
The company my husband works for has laid off workers twice now . This week they said orders are down 40% and to expect one whole shift to be deleted soon ... There was shut down over the holidays , my husband had vacation time still so he still got paid ,others with less senority went w/o .
Absolutely no bonuses and no overtime . His 401k lost about a third of it's value .
Just trying to hang in there .
I made about $10K less in 08 than 07. I am strictly commission debt collector. Still, if you take what I made last year and divide by 2080 (FT work), I still made in the $18-20/hr range.... and probably average 16 hours NOT 40 hours a week. I usually work two days a week. (Sat/Sun)...not much social life lol....lots of time during the week though..good for school.
Our client, a major cable company, just announced it is filing Ch. 11 reorganization bankruptcy. Our company, cooincidentally, just announced a $1/1% cut in what we make in our collections. (ie, a $100 customer payment.. I lose $1 for the payment and $1 on the amount...I drop from $18 to $16 for it). However...if we successfully sell cable to a new customer....upgrade a customer...retain a customer..... then we get our old amount. If the whole office overall makes a certain % of sales....then we actually get a raise....
Problem is...I did not sign up 3 plus years ago to sell cable...I signed up to be a bill collector. Now they want me to do disconnects and sales along with collections? Let me finish school and get the hell out. I can't sell for a product/service I don't believe in. Hmmmm.... after 30 years of selling another product I no longer believe in, is anyone surprised by my attitude?
Snakes ()
Awakened at Gilead
Lost a scholarship opportunity because funding was cut. Now I have to pay for grad school myself.
Keep swimming, A@G.
Cut from full time to part time.
The businees I work for is doing real bad.
I'll be looking for work next week.
When the Bushwacking began 8 years ago I lost a job I had for 23 years making tools
for 50$ a year. We could no longer compete with China and Russia and Mexico.
I bounced around for about 5 years playing music and odd jobs and ended up working
as a correction officer for less than 30,000 a year. 1970's wages.
I'm not buying new Harleys or boats or new cars anymore or taking ski vacations to Collorado.
I know a lot of people this has happened to even worse. Bush's Voodo economics has trickled down
and made Amerika a third world country.
When the Bushwacking began 8 years ago I lost a job I had for 23 years making tools
for 50,000$ a year.
Too bad we cant edit after we post to correct our errors.