Why is America such an unequal society?

by hamilcarr 78 Replies latest social current

  • snowbird

    Toubob, please listen.

    Equality doesn't have to be mentioned in those statutes; equality is inherent therein.

    The first four show the responsibility of ALL to the Creator.

    The last six show the responsibility of ALL toward each other.

    Jesus of Nazareth summed it up so well: Love God and love your neighbor.

    If everybody would do those two things, there would be no inequities.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Jesus of Nazareth summed it up so well: Love God and love your neighbor.
    If everybody would do those two things, there would be no inequities.

    If everyone sprouted wings, we could all fly.

  • SixofNine

    Equality doesn't have to be mentioned in those statutes; equality is inherent therein.

    The first four show the responsibility of ALL to the Creator.

    The last six show the responsibility of ALL toward each other.

    Jesus of Nazareth summed it up so well: Love God and love your neighbor.

    If everybody would do those two things, there would be no inequities.


    Malinke, Malinke, Malinke, yo reasonin' is stinkee.

    The ten suggestions and Jesus ("the poor will always be with you" thanks bud, 'preciate the help) combined didn't seem to stop slavery for several thousand years, but here the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, with a little help from The Age of Reason, and we've almost wiped out racial inequities within a short two hunnert years.

    What's that, Jesus? "a slave is not greater than his master"? You must not have used your magic powers to look into the future and see Sally Henning's ass, oh god person . Not to mention Fredrick Douglass' brain.

  • beksbks

    The ten commandments are based on the Egyptian book of the dead, no? And on the day of rest, doesn't it specifically mention allowing your slaves to rest also?

  • DJK

    Yah, America is an unequal society. Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians.

  • BurnTheShips

    For Snowbird.

    Psalm 118:9

    Psalm 146:3

    This is what socialism amounts to, Scripturally speaking.

    I also direct you to:


    Even God Himself forces none of us.


  • hamilcarr

    Christians tend to bestow moral authority on their spiritual leaders. That's no real liberation to me.

  • moshe

    Last time I checked we don't have any serfs in the US- we do have a taxed middle class to pay for that. Check back in a year after the unemplyment has run out and see what happens to society then.

  • BurnTheShips

    Non sequitur.


  • BurnTheShips
    America was founded on the tacit principle that only the landed gentry should govern or have a say in how government is administered.

    I believe that if you do not own a certain kind of property, then you have no right to vote and no right to influnce the electoral process. If the democratic process was limited to players owning this kind of property, then the system might improve. Before you lambaste me for being elitist, I am proposing a riddle. :-)

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