Well, yes I am married, and my wife did not give me permission to marry someone else, so can we just dance around the dance floor, in the interm, before me and my wife can find a religion, where you and I can get married, without commiting a sin, so that we can raise our three or four children in peace, while you are tending the garden, and I am working ten hours a day in the foundry, where the heat in August is unbearable, just so our kids can go to college, unless, of course, they take drugs and drop out, and then we will have to raise their children, like we tryed to raise our own, in peace and harmony. Well, you see what a problem we would have on our hands. That is why I can't marry you, because I know how it would turn out, but thank you for asking, or did I ask? I can't remember now, but it is the thought that counts, and all my thoughts go out to you.