The stupid father of one of my kids.........
by oompa 41 Replies latest social humour
two rednecks from arkansas are driveing to new york to see the big city for the first time in their lives. they get pulled over by a police officer for speeding, as the police officer walks up to the driver side window the driver rolls down his window and asks whats wrong officer......... the officer smacks him upside the head with his flashlight. then he says "when i pull you over you have your license, registration and proof of insurance ready for me when i get to the window"............. so the redneck appologizes and starts scrambleing to get all that information ready for the officer.
the officer takes the information........ and walks around to the other side of the pick up truck......... taps on the window.......... so the passenger rolls down his window........... and the officer smacks him upside the head as well................... so the passenger says............ im sorry officer........ but what was that fer?
the officer says............... and thats so that two miles down the road you dont turn to your buddy and tell him if it was you.............. you wouldnt have taken that sh** from me................