THE ORACLE- "The account of Jesus appears to be just another story about yet another "son of God" who was born of a virgin on December 25th, died and was resurrected, travelled around with 12 disciples, and performed miracles.
There are too many other "Jesus" accounts in ancient history for it to be merely a coincidence.
Have you researched the history of the mythical character of Horus of ancient Egypt? Some people exagerrate the similarities, but when you look at the account objectively it does seem very suspicious"
zeitgeist baby!!.... have you seen the movie?
this is how the story goes, jesus is the son of gad and died on the cross to be resurrected three days later. explanation= jesus is not the son of god but rather the sun god. he died on the cross as the son moved to reside in the middle of the southern crux constellation, then three days later moved back up to its original position seemigly being ressurected as it were. this happens ofcourse, around dec 25....
CHALAM- "The nature of predictions of science is to do with scientific laws and theory. However, prophecy is to do with the revealed knowledge of God. Often there are some very specific details which defy any logic but can only be explained with foreknowledge of future events. For sure, there is much in the vehicle of much prophecy i.e. dreams and visions which is allegorical (beasts and whores included) but there is plenty which is literal. My JW friend passes huge portions of the bible off as "not literal" and "purely parabolical", prophecies, words of Jesus and such to the point where little is literally truth.
With regard to the beast and the horns, have a look at the Treaties of Rome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and see how that correlates. Also, the vision explained in Daniel 2. I believe along with many others that the EU is the revived Rome and the last kingdom on earth before Christ returns to set up His kingdom without end"
first of all... history repeats itself. just because it is written in the bible and something similar happened in present times does not mean that it is a prophecy. The information presented is being compared because as i said earlier history repeats itself and it makes sense that something that happened in those days may happen today just on a larger scale.
or if you want a laugh, my boyfriend and i talk aboutthe fact that, the writer of revelation was stuck on an island eating god knows what (mushrooms) for days.. how about thinking that these things have no relevence what so ever and are purely a drug trip written down haha
as for flippers original post i will have to answer tomorrow when my brain is working since it took me about half an hour to write it before with my stuoid adhd and somehow the computer auto deleted it before it was posted.