What did you find upset elders the most ?

by KAYTEE 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • loosie

    well I personally irritated one elder so much I almost made his head spin. He met with me privately to tell me that my mother didn't think I should be dating my fiancee. That I should be dating this other brother ( who was a roly poly MS ). I let him go on for about 30 mins. Then he called my fiancee into the room. Then we told him that we had gotten married last weekend in Las Vegas.

    Boy did that piss him off.


  • mcsemike

    Mary, I liked your list. Years ago, we had a real lunatic, power hungry mental case become an elder. He looked just like Howdy Doody. I was driving to Bethel with a long time elder to pick up literature. I had just been made a MS again after stepping down. I asked the older elder who was driving if this new elder was going to be required to see a psychiatrist before he started as an elder. Boy, that's the most pissed off I ever saw that old elder become. Within a year, the new elder was hated by all and was DF'd later for some sexual thing, I wasn't told the details and I don't care. If you attack one of their own, they get ticked. No sense of humor. But the R and F are supposed to have a sense of humor when they read the WT's printed garbage.

  • yknot

    Great answer Sir82

    In my experience: Disrespecting their "authority".

    and of course my personal bad habit of whim......... not even recognizing "their authority"

  • Quirky1

    Substituting their toothpaste with preparation h.

  • parakeet

    Questions from dubs who weren't completely braindead.


    Good honest answers,

    It is very obvious that the elder arrangement is a complete failure, not just locally but world wide, they do more damage than good.

    Not only are they leading very nice people astray but seam to have no Christian conscience, but what is more disturbing is the fact that they are aware of all that HAS and IS going on in an organisation that they are prominent leaders of;

    Paedophilia, blood U – Turn,

    Failed prophecies,

    U.N. involvment

    They Are perpetuating a LIE, and according to James 3 v 1 will be answerable for their actions.


  • boyzone

    Had a blazing row with an elder on the phone one time. Without our knowledge he took our 16 year old son in the back room and accused him of having sex with a young girl. It wasn't true and our son was really upset by the accusation. I was livid. The stupid prick had not told us or let us handle it gently. Calling him a bloody idiot seemed to piss him off bigtime.

  • Gladring

    Three words: Data Protection Act

  • Mary

    Gladring: What's 'Data Protection Act'??

  • blondie


    Data Protection Act 1998

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is a United KingdomAct of Parliament. It defines a legal basis for handling in the United Kingdom of information relating to people living within. It is the main/only piece of legislation that governs protection of personal data in the UK. Although the Act does not mention privacy, in practice it provides a way in which individuals can enforce the control of information about themselves. Most of the Act does not apply to domestic use, [ 1 ] for example keeping a personal address book. Organisations in the UK are legally obliged to comply with this Act, subject to some exemptions.

    Compliance with the Act is enforced by an independent authority, the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). The ICO maintains guidance relating to the Act. [ 2 ]

    The Act defines eight principles of information-handling practice.

    The UK Data Protection Act is a large Act that has a reputation for complexity. [ 3 ] While the basic principles are honoured for protecting privacy, interpreting the act is not always simple. Many companies, organisations and individuals seem very unsure of the aims, content and principles of the DPA. Some hide behind the Act and refuse to provide even very basic, publicly available material quoting the Act as a restriction. [ 4 ] The act also impacts on the way in which organisations conduct business in terms of who can be contacted for marketing purposes, not only by telephone and direct mail, but also electronically and has led to the development of permission based marketing strategies...


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