Actually, I found elders hated it when you proved them wrong using the bible, the WTS publications, and their own words.
What did you find upset elders the most ?
by KAYTEE 39 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
Using the word "no"
That was easy: being challenged.
Pointing out Stupidity..
It’s all the records the society keep on you, my wife and I asked for all information to be sent to us, and anything else destroyed, this was when we left the Org.
They charged us £20.00 for doing this the full amount at that time, with the amount leaving they could make a lot of money!!!!
It’s turned out lately that they may NOT be giving all documents back
As you can see, they even make money out of you when you have left the Org
Telling them that they can no longer tell you what to do as they no longer have any power over you (challenging authoritah). Also, asking them to follow Matt:23, i.e facing your accuser when they wanted to keep it a secret. Authoritah again, I s'pose.
hummmmmmmmmmmm driveing 2 door cars instead of 4 door "service cars"
wearing any color or pattern of suit not solid black, blue, or brownish.............
beards, goatees........... sideburns............. any hairstyle that could be considered stylish.......... or even a military buzz cut
music other than the kingdom melodies............
movies not made by the wbts.............
the list goes on and on
Scarred for life
Speaking of movies, I have an uncle who is an elder. I know for a fact that he watches all kinds of movies on his DVD and VHS player. My mother passed away in May and she owned more movies than anyone that I know. When we were cleaning out her house he took 3 big boxes of her movies--all kinds of movies and many that were rated R. He acted like he couldn't wait to see them.
Actually, I found elders hated it when you proved them wrong using the bible, the WTS publications, and their own words
In my personal experience, this is what elders hate the most.
I never played nice with the elders in their sandbox. I especially didn't play nice when I became an elder.
The elders hated it when I graduated MTS...they tried to stop me from attending in the first place. The CO (himself a grad from the first class) painted them in a corner and made them submit a proper recommendation after 4 previously unsuccessful attempts at applying. Once I graduated, the elders couldn't wait to get me out of their congregation.
The last congo I was an elder in, I used the bible and every WT publication, letter, etc. to stop local BOE stupidity.....thinking I was doing "the right thing ™", not knowing that in trying to force the elders to stop their petty power plays I was allowing the WTS to continue their major power plays. I was just a cog in the MTS wheel in the larger WTBTS machinery.
Now I am just the grit that gums up the works from time to time.
Snakes ()