Why are elders of the same mould

by KAYTEE 21 Replies latest jw experiences


    Why are elders of a similar mould, they all seam to have the same characteristics .

    I can only think they make sure that appointed ones will knuckle down to their (elders) thinking.?

    I remember on one occasion one elder said to me you will never be an elder because you won’t agree with the body of elders.

    You can see that the apostle Paul had a similar problem with the "Superfine Glorious ones".

    2or 12 v11.

    I have become unreasonable. You compelled me to for I ought to have been recommended by you For I did not prove to be INFERIOR to your SUPERFINE apostles in a single thing even if I am nothing.

    He puts them in their place when he says "even if I am nothing"

    He also shows that MAN APPOINTS.


  • yesidid

    Have to disagree!

    I have seen every personality/character type in elders.

    That is why some are kind some are harsh, some stay and some, as evidenced by our board................ leave.


  • asilentone

    If I want to be an elder, I would have to be a very yielding brother to stay as an elder or else.



    Perhaps you could explain why they are still in a position of elder when they MUST be aware of all that happened in the past.

    Is it kind to give instruction on blood policies? When you know it has had many changes, especially as peoples lives are at stake.

    Is it kind to allow your child to associate with paedophiles (unbeknown to them and yourself).

    Is it kind to drag your child however young on the doors or to meetings when they should be getting their rest, also allowing them to have a proper childhood, even Paul was aware of a child’s needs .

    An individual elder may not do these things, but by his associating with a policy that is flawed, surely makes him an accomplice to whatever has happened, remember these are TEACHERS James 3 v 1 and then Lev 5v 1 would concern me if I was in that position. (In law an accomplice is as guilty as the one doing the act)

    To those elders that have stepped down or have left I respect them greatly


  • fokyc


    Reading the replies so far, perhaps it is this particular area of the UK which has this type of elder.

    Your experience is identical to mine.

    I often wonder what exactly takes place at these elder schools, maybe they are all brain washed?

    I would also add that I have personal experience of Kaytee's cong PO and that elder was/is a liar.


  • WTWizard

    They are looking for hounders that are going to hound the flock, not that are going to be lenient. Of course, they also don't want hounders that are going to turn apostate behind their backs and start posting letters to the hounders on these forums.



    First of all, let me ask you, How long have you been in the WTS.

    I, with great regret survived 30 years, accepting ALL that the society said, I was therefore a dedicated brother.

    Having done my fair share of knocking on doors, opening my home for the Tuesday group, allowing (because of large home and gardens) the use of my place for visiting C.O’s and other congregations.

    At times putting up with real abuse from the group, on one occasion when building a car park for the group, a sister slipped of the road in her car (no problem I pulled her out with my tractor, she said my house was disgusting (this was in front of her "elder" father who said nothing).

    Having sold my QUEEN ANN antique chairs because two bro’s abused the furniture sitting on one chair (I bit my tongue)

    Giving way on many issues that that had a great effect on my family as usual from the elders that had no basis of common sense AND NO CHRISTIAN ethics.

    Putting not only my own life on the line with no blood operation, but my son who was going to be made ward of court for a stand that we had made over the blood issue THAT WE ACCEPTED IN GOOD FAITH, THINKING THIS WAS EXPECTED OF US BY JEHOVAH.

    I can assure you there are many many more instances that I could give you but already this is too long.


  • MissingLink

    Any who won't submit to being "moulded", won't be selected.



    Please supply scripture and verse.


  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    There is a mindset in those who reach out. They want to be a cog in the machine and so they personally choose to submit to such sillyness as no human would ever agree to. There is the desire to help others and the submitting of one's self to the "Imperfections" TM of others. This unity of mind makes the elders clones of submission but not of personality if they indeed have any personal integrity. As was said, some of us quit because of the wacky way it works. Like the alliteration? W.Once

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